A modern wiseman who is a seventy over year old folk who had no need to visit a hospital and is able to jump and run and bent backwards said "the greatest disservice to humanity and regrettably to say is 'medical insurance' - for it will inevitably blindside you to take unhealthy endeavours like taking the wrong food as well as not doing daily exercises because it will give you a false inkling that you will have no problem paying for hospital visits. It is often the case that the unfortunate guy who could not afford medical insurance will come out healthier because their inner conscience will guide them to stay healthy as they would not be able to afford being sick - they need to thank their sub conscious for this service to save their health and their money!"
Aging gracefully would mean that you are not being impacted by immobility and pain – it would also mean that you take precautions not to get sick. The following articles will better inform you as to how to maintain your health by way of eating right and doing right which will inevitably free you from visiting the doctor. It would also be your best thing to learn about life - this will be the most important insight to attain a meaningful life
Everything you need to know - how to age gracefully!
You are what you eat - and what you eat really matters!
To be young is healthy and to be old unhealthy – but we can’t be young forever. As the saying goes “you are what you eat” it would not be too far off to say that we normally eat all we can to become unhealthy. Yes, if you want to stay healthy you must control what you eat - normally we have to cut down on carbohydrates, fats and to some extend proteins. It is not practical to drastically cut down on that food but it would be reasonable to reduce it by at least fifty percent, more so for carbohydrates. Prevention is better than cure and so we have to start when we were young – so that we stay healthy when we have aged. Treating diseases is a costly affair and all governments know that so we have to start eating the right food as early as possible so as to prevent us becoming a statistic of the unhealthy when we age. What matters is not only what we eat but we have to exercise our body so that its components (muscles) don’t become useless.
Yes, you just need to buckle up for 5 minutes to stay away from illnesses. When you wake up in the morning, cleans yourself and go for your morning workout. You can also do it in your house if need be. Just 5 minutes getting your blood flow again is all you need.
Are fats ugly?
When we come to body fats, there are two kinds : white fat and brown fat. While White fat is the more common kind and stores energy away, brown fat, by contrast, actually works to burn the energy we consume! While our levels of brown fat decrease as we get older, there are things we can do to bring them back up - exposing ourselves to cold temperatures, for example, and has been shown to restore them. While white fats looks like the bad guy, white fat can sometimes turn into brown fat, in which case it is referred to as ‘beige’ or ‘brite’. Just like brown fat, beige fat is able to burn calories and can therefore be used to combat obesity. Scientists are currently trying to work out why this conversion happens - suggestion has that it has to do with a hormone called irisin, which is produced when we exercise.
Body fat can cause cancer?
In a study on 315,000 Britons, it was found that keeping a slim waist while exercising regularly is most effective for keeping cancer at bay. The analysis by the World Cancer Research Fund is the first to examine how these two factors combine to minimise cancer risk - it needs both to work. The researchers compared the chances of cancer in people who met the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended levels for waist circumference - defined as less than 88cm (35ins) for women and 102cm (40ins) for men. During an average follow-up of 11 years, almost 30,000 people in the study developed cancer.
WHO established a high-risk threshold for waist circumference as > 88 cm for women and > 102 cm for men. The WHO guidelines on physical activity recommend at least 150–300. minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity such as brisk walking, or at least 75–150 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity physical activity such as running, or an equivalent combination of moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity throughout the week. The researchers then concluded: "adherence to both WHO guidelines for waist circumference and physical activity is essential for cancer prevention; meeting just one of these guidelines is insufficient."
Scientists are currently trying to work out why this conversion happens. The suggestion is that it has to do with a hormone called irisin, which is produced when we exercise. When it comes to getting rid of fat, exercise is the most obvious option. However, fat is sensitive to heat, which means there are other option. Cooling treatments such as CoolSculpting work by literally freezing the fat to death. The body removes the dead fat cells gradually over the course of several months. Heat treatments can also be used to eliminate fat cells. Studies have shown that heating them to above 40°C over a sustained period of time kills them off. This is the technique used in popular laser and radio-frequency lipolysis weight-loss treatments.
It is not only the color of the fat that determines how beneficial or harmful it might be. Where the fat is stored is also significant. For instance, excess fat stored in the abdomen or around inner organs such as the liver is particularly harmful: it can cause the release of inflammatory chemicals that increase the risk of certain diseases. You can help get rid of the fat by lowering your environmental temperature.
Do this when you wake up in the morning - just raise your arms up and tug in your stomach for 5 minutes - it will boost your mood.
How to stay fit at 70?
You just need to walk (with arm actions) for ten minutes - thats all. And while walking, raise both your hands up and tuck in your stomach while taking a deep breathe. But be careful as doing this will unbalance you, so take your time to do it slowly just to steady yourself before you quickened your pace. Breathing in will greatly release the tension that you have in your stomach region. Raising your hands up and taking in a deep breathe will help ease the flow of 'CHI' in your gut region. Doing it in the morning will give you jest for the rest of the day! And don't believe that you need to do an hour of exercise, just do ten minutes of walking and breathing in will do the trick. Of course you will need to be careful with your eating for if you take in too much garbage you will find yourself retaining most of the toxic elements in your body - and on a long term basis, will get you sick. Always eat enough to give yourself energy and warmth and stay away from oil fried foods that your stomach will not be able to digest.
Now build up your muscles before you do strenuous walking
And you need protein to do that. Protein is a nutrient for building the human body, and vital for maintaining and repairing tissues, as well as making enzymes, hormones. It forms an integral part of the bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Also, the body does not store protein, which is why it is essential to consume it regularly in your diet. However there are good protein and bad protein! Good proteins are rich in essential amino acids and are easily digested and absorbed in the body - lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy, nuts and legumes. Good proteins which are low in saturated fats will help prevent conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Now what about bad proteins? Bad proteins are highly processed or high in saturated fat, which can prove harmful to your health, increasing the risk of heart disease, kidney problems, and other health issues – examples are sausages, bacon, and deep-fried snacks. Elderlies should eat more protein to prevent their muscles from shrinking. Wasted muscles will prevent you from being mobile.
Muscular health
Building muscular strength and endurance isn’t just about appearance—it’s about feeling stronger, healthier. The importance of muscle size, strength, and various indicators of 'muscle health' has become increasingly evident as research unveils the intricate connections between muscle attributes and factors such as longevity. “Healthy muscle mass is essential to completing daily living activities and preventing injuries,” says Dr. Jonathan Roth, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Atlantic Health System. He further imbibed “Everyone, at any age, can benefit from strength training. Even seniors with low muscle mass will benefit from exercises to rebuild their muscle strength.” Dr. Roth explains that when you increase your muscle mass, you also boost your bone density, which can help prevent fractures and other injuries – that is very important to the seniors.
Here are ways to improve your muscle strength:
1. Standing up from a chair without pushing off with your hands – for leg muscles
2. Climbing a flight of stairs – take it as daily exercise that will improve muscle strengths.
3. Getting up off the ground without assistance – also try squatting and getting up
4. Of all the thing that you can do, go run or walk or move around in your house.
5. Maybe also resistance training if you are not too old.
The body relies on two sources of fuel during physical activity: glucose and fat, according to Harvard's Joslin Diabetes Center. Prolonged or intense forms of exercise deplete blood glucose and glycogen stores as follows:
1. During the first 15 minutes of exercise, the body relies mainly on blood glucose or muscle glycogen (which is converted back into glucose) for fuel.
2. As exercise continues, the body starts re-converting liver glycogen into glucose.
3. After 30 minutes, the body starts to rely more on body fat.
4. The body will eventually rebuild its glycogen stores (typically within four to six hours), but exercise can lower blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, reducing blood sugar levels through regular exercise is one of the best strategies to help prevent the development of diabetes. However you are warned that some diabetes medicines, including insulin and those in the sulfonylurea class, can cause hypoglycemia during exercise if not managed correctly.
If you have diabetes, always check your blood sugar before exercising. Depending on your blood glucose level, these are the steps you should take, according to the Cleveland Clinic:
1. Less than 140 mg/dL: Eat 15 grams of carbs before starting exercise
2. Between 150 and 180 mg/dL: This is the best blood sugar range before starting exercise for people with diabetes
3. Over 300 mg/dL: Wait before starting exercise, and possibly take a small dose of insulin per your doctor's instructions
FDA's hit list
In its latest update, cereal, yogurt, and protein bars are no longer considered 'healthy,' according to a FDA ruling
For a food to use the 'healthy' label, it must have a certain amount of nutrients, like protein and whole grains, and contain minimal harmful ingredients like sugar and saturated fat. Meanwhile, new 'healthy' foods will include olive oil, salmon, canned vegetables, and even water and coffee, for the first time. FDA officials said the update, the first in 30 years, is meant to prevent and reverse America's epidemic of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cancer. FDA Commissioner Dr Robert Califf said in a statement: 'It's critical for the future of the country that food be a vehicle for wellness. Under the new ruling, nutrient-dense foods encouraged by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, seafood, eggs, lentils, and seeds - with no added ingredients automatically qualify as 'healthy,' the FDA said. The last update was in 1990s.
According to the agency, three in four Americans don't eat enough vegetables, fruits, and dairy, so they believe the update will lead consumers to get more of these in their diets. Furthermore, recent research has found nearly 75 percent of foods in the US food supply are considered ultra-processed. These foods are consistently packed with additives like saturated fat and added sugar, which up to nine in 10 Americans consume too much of.
Now what happens when you walk?
There is a good reason for people to exercise and to stretch their muscles – the more the better because muscles will shrink if they are not activated and certainly it will wilt with age. As we age, and because of muscle atrophy, the muscles will become thinner and in most cases will decrease in muscle mass which will result in difficulty in mobility – thus will require human assistance or equipment designed to help the body to be mobile. Furthermore, our society has been addicted to sedentary way of life, which inevitably will result in severe muscle loss. Thus the habit of choosing to be sited most of the time will really encourage the body to be lazy which will also result in us gaining weight. Walking is the best form of exercise that can prevent cardiovascular diseases among inactive individuals. Moderately paced walks stimulate the release of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, that is key to the survival of existing brain neurons and the generation of new ones.
Here is what the experts found
Just five minutes of exercise a day can lower blood pressure and help to stave off heart problems. Researchers has found that adding short bursts of exercise to your daily routine - such as taking the stairs or jogging - can reduce readings. The findings suggest that activities which raise the heart rate, like jogging, running or even taking the steps instead of using the lifts have the biggest benefits. Researchers from University College London (UCL) and the University of Sydney studied 14,761 people who wore activity trackers to analyse the relationship between daily movement and blood pressure.
Here are the findings - over the 24 hours, on average people spent around seven hours asleep, ten hours in sedentary behaviour such as sitting, three hours standing, one hour slow walking, one hour fast walking, and 16 minutes taking exercise that increased their heart rate such as running and cycling. An extra five minutes of exercise which raises the heart rate, such as stair climbing, running or cycling - in exchange for any of the other behaviours - was found to lower systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 0.68 millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) by 0.54mmHg2. Systolic is the top number in a blood pressure reading and represents pressure when the heart pushes blood out around the body. Diastolic is the bottom number and is the pressure when the heart rests between beats.
At a population level, a 2mmHg reduction in SBP and a 1mmHg reduction in DPB is equivalent to an approximately 10 per cent reduction in the risk of heart disease, the researchers said. This could be achieved by reallocating time from other activities to exercise for the top number, and 10-15 minutes for the bottom number, the study published in Circulation found. For example, with systolic blood pressure, swapping 21 minutes of sedentary time, 22 minutes of standing or 26 minutes of slow walking for exercise such as cycling or jogging would have this effect. For diastolic blood pressure, the benefits would arise from swapping 10 minutes of fast walking, 11 minutes of sedentary time or 13 minutes of sleeping for proper exercise.
High blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes and heart attacks in the UK, with around 14million adults are thought to have it including around five million without a diagnosis. If left untreated, the heart may become enlarged over time due to the increased pressure, pumping less effectively and can lead to heart failure. Lead author Dr Jo Blodgett, of UCL, said: “Our findings suggest that, for most people, exercise is the key to reducing blood pressure, rather than less strenuous forms of movement such as walking.” “The good news is that, whatever your physical ability, it doesn’t take long to have a positive effect on blood pressure.” “For those who don’t do a lot of exercise, walking did still have some positive benefits for blood pressure – and that really matters.” “But if you want to change your blood pressure, putting more demand on the cardiovascular system through exercise will have the greatest effect.” But if all these activities don’t comfort you then it is best to just jump into the pool and wade yourself tied for one and a half hour a week.
Walk or Slurp?
Faced with the temptation of tasty snacks, making the decision to get off the sofa and hit the gym can seem impossible. But there is good news for couch potatoes - scientists have discovered the chemical that makes us choose exercise over indulgence. A team of researchers from ETH Zurich found that a chemical in our brains called oxerin plays a critical role in making the choice to exercise. In lab trials, mice with their oxerin systems blocked spent more time drinking a delicious milkshake and less time running on their wheel. The researchers say this chemical should have the same effect in humans, potentially paving the way for a pill that makes us want to go to the gym. For the time being it is just for animals.
What then? According to the World Health Organisation, around 80 per cent of adolescents and 27 per cent of adults do not exercise enough. So this 27 per cent is intriguing. Are we to say that these elderlies are positively affected by the presence of oxerin? To understand how we resist temptations to indulge, the researchers placed mice in a chamber with eight corridors leading to different options. In the past, many researchers have tried to explain our eating or exercising habits by looking at the brain chemical dopamine. This chemical is critical for our general motivation but doesn't necessarily help explain why we would choose to do one thing over another. So maybe oxerin is the missing puzzle. Scientists have already found that around one in 2,000 people have a restricted orexin system -- these people generally also experience narcolepsy which is why oxerin-inhibiting drugs are also used to treat insomnia. Anyway further research is needed.
Walk backwards?
You might think walking backward is crazy but a study by Janet Dufek, an expert in biomechanics at the University of Nevada in the US, has been researching backwards locomotion for more than 20 years. She and her colleagues have found walking backwards for just 10-15 minutes per day over a four-week period increased the hamstring flexibility of 10 heathy female students. Additionally, doing it will strengthen the muscles in the back responsible for spine stability and flexibility. Dufek also concurred that backward walking has some benefits relative to lower back pain simply because you're stretching the hamstrings. Often one of the pieces that's tied to lower back pain is tight hamstrings. As well as athletes, retro-walking has been found to benefit the elderly, young, obese individuals, sufferers of osteoarthritis, and post-stroke patients with walking impairments. Now that is plenty to think about.
Perhaps the most exciting finding is that aerobic forms of exercise (including brisk walking) likely help facilitate the growth of new neurons,” says Patrick Smith, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Walking increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which can open the gates to enhanced creativity and thus increased memory – also a decrease ofcognitive decline. This is important for an aged society. Walking will induce the brain to release more endorphins which will help in pain relief as well as to give a euphoric feeling. In Malaysia, in a national wide survey conducted in 2019, it showed of a rising trend in obesity, increaseg from 15.1% in 2011 to 17.7% in 2015 and thence to 19.9% in 2019. It would be wise then to promote people taking up exercises in their daily lives or at least during their rest days. They will owed it to themselves to keep a healthy lifestyle if not for their own pocket or for the sake of the country not wasting money curing of their diseases – diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, stroke and other non-infectious diseases.
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The Author is still fit to run at the age of seventy plus - 2023!
You may even do it at home if you are not able to go out walking!
That's important because not everyone will have the opportunity to exercise outside their home. In fact you must at least have a suitable environment at home to exercise - you can strecth your muscles and help them grow. More importantly, you must have a regime that moves all your muscles - so when you strecth your leg muscles you must not forget to also strecth your hand muscles and your neck muscles! But in order to do it whitin ten minutes, you will need to be inmaginative about it. Maybe watching youtubes may give you the right idea.
2 minutes warm up exercise every morning
video provided by Gigong Meditation
Do this every morning to increase your bloodflow (chi) - start with an energetic morning. This is one of the most important thing to do if you have aged. Simple Gigong exercise that everyone can do and must do!
Daily exercising your back muscles to prevent you from falling over
This Gigong exercise will render all your back muscles flexible enough to overcome sudden falling over - at the same time bent over slightly your knees to allow a lower center of gravity. Constant practice will make you more agile - stop falling over - statistics has shown that people will die within a year when they fall and hurt their body!.
Horse standing exercise can improve your balance thus averting falling over - five hundred years old technique
How not to fall over
Falls are the leading cause of injury for adults ages 65 years and older.1 Over 14 million, or 1 in 4 older adults report falling every year. Each year an estimated 684 000 individuals die from falls globally of which over 80% are in low- and middle-income countries. Adults older than 60 years of age suffer the greatest number of fatal falls. 37.3 million falls that are severe enough to require medical attention occur each year. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults ages 65 and older, and the fall death rate is increasing.4 The age-adjusted fall death rate increased by 41% from 55.3 per 100,000 older adults in 2012 to 78.0 per 100,000 older adults in 2021.The rising number of deaths from falls among older adults can be addressed by screening for fall risk and intervening to address risk factors such as use of medicines that may increase fall risk, or poor strength and balance
Anyone can slip and fall, but older adults are more prone to falling than younger people. “That’s because aging affects our muscle strength and flexibility, making it more challenging to maintain balance and stability. Older adults are also more likely to have chronic conditions that can affect their mobility, coordination and overall stability,” says Dr. Esiquio Casillas, senior vice president and chief medical officer for the AltaMed Health Services Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, or PACE, in the Los Angeles area. “Plus, age-related vision changes and hearing loss can make it harder to navigate and identify potential hazards.”
How to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: Health Tips
1. Maintain a regular exercise routine.
2. Use physical therapy to gain or maintain balance.
3. Support brain and heart health.
4. As people tend to fall at home, try making the home environment more accomodating to walking around - especially the toilets.
The luxury of having to climb up the stairs
People normally find climbing up the stairs a strenous exercise and chose to take the lift if possible. But actually stairs is a gift from god - anyway it is not a gift if you are burdened by a weak muscle. For the ake of your health, do take the stairs instead of taking the lift because by way of climbing up the stairs, you will gain in terms of a stronger heart and a more capable leg muscle. Think about your health when you are facing a lift as you will be better off if you will take the stairs. It would even be better if you have stairs at home for you will have the opportunity of exercising your leg muscles by frequently climbing up the stairs. Same as you are going down the stairs for you will be exercisisng the opposite set of muscles - please treat it as a free exercising outfit. Besides getting a stronger leg muscle, you will also be able to strengthen your heart muscles but before you climb up the stairs, go tuck in your stomach and take a deep breathe - this to increase your blood oxygen level.
When is the best time for you to perform?
What is the best time for you to paying attention, learning, making complex decision and solving problems? According to experts who used models to research on the best time for doing anything, it was found that there were 3 types of people, one called larks, another called owls. The larks are the morning people who perform best in the morning. An owl works best in the late of night. Yet another group belongs to neither the larks nor the owls and they generally perform according to whether they woke up in the early morning or late morning. All these happen due to their Circadian Rhythm which is another term for their internal time keeper. So, according to the experts, you should be aware of whether you are the larks or the owls and you should try to perform best during the best time of your rhythm – and it does make all the difference!
Healthy Aging
How do you stay fit even when you have aged?
Recently, a group of scientist got a breakthrough as to how to stay able body through the eighties and beyond. They found a unique group of cells that contributes to the aging process in particular some spinal cord cells that becomes toxic through the ages. So they fed it with vitamin C and they found the toxicity was lowered the result is that the aged are able to use their muscles to perform in the usual way. hus if you want your body to perform in peak condition, you will need to maintain a certain amount of vitamin C in your body - in fact you will be better off if your body have a certain aoumt of vitamin C for twenty four hours! There is no need to take a large amount of vitamin C (like 1000 mg) as it is easily discharge out through the urine - it will not remain in the body for long. And yes, vitamin C does not drive away the cold but rather they acts more like an antioxidant which prevents your body cell to be non toxic. Well, now you have a remedy for staying body capable - the research shows that as your spinal cord cell becomes toxic, it will affect the way you move your muscles. Old age can be beautiful if only you know how!
Cultivate the art of tea drinking for living longivity
After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Its tea and not coffee! But there is a valid reason because according to research by Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, drinking tea regularly could not only improve your quality of life, but also extend your life expectancy. Its also important for you to remain healthy otherwise there will not be reason to live long, right. The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, followed over 100,000 Chinese adults from 15 different provinces for almost seven years. The researchers divided the participants into two groups: those who drank tea less than three times a week and those who drank it more frequently.The results were striking: those who drank tea regularly saw their life expectancy increase by an average of 1.26 years. But that's not all. They also showed a 20% reduction in the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as a 15% reduction in the risk of death from all causes, compared to the group drinking less tea.
The study also highlights the importance of prolonged consumption. Participants who drank tea for more than eight years saw their risk of developing cardiovascular disease or stroke reduced by 39%, and of dying from heart disease by 56%! These results suggest that regular tea consumption has long-lasting positive effects on cardiovascular health.
Tea, a natural heart protector. Scientists point to polyphenols, the bioactive compounds found in tea, as responsible for these benefits. These antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting against cardiovascular disease and regulating blood pressure. However, these compounds are not stored in the body over the long term, which means that regular consumption is essential to benefit fully from their protective effects.
Green or black tea: so which is better?
So, what type of tea should you choose to make the most of these benefits? It seems that green tea is the most advantageous. It's richer in polyphenols than black tea, which loses much of its antioxidant properties during fermentation. Green tea could therefore be particularly beneficial for cardiovascular health!
In a nutshell:
By incorporating tea into your daily routine, you could not only enjoy a pleasant beverage, but also strengthen your heart and prolong your life. A cup of tea a day could well be a small, simple gesture with big benefits for your health. To your teapots!
Are you always forgetful?
Well there is a cure, in the form of practicing Tai Chi Qian (a form of Chinese slow exercise) during the morning hours. Twice a week will do the trick but if you do it every morning, then you will also be able to keep your balance and prevents a fall. No joking, this is one of the tricks that researchers have found to actually work – and you don’t have to take any medicine! According to Dr. Elizabeth Eckstrom, “you’ve basically given yourself 3 extra years of staving off cognitive decline” if you do Tai Chi every morning. A person with cognitive decline can expect to lose on average 2 years of life before you touch that point where you virtually don’t remember what you did five minutes before. Tai Chi Qian is both an exercise and a meditative journey where you enable the flow of Chi from the stomach to your brain – which will improve your sense of balance and enhance the health of your body. You will not fall easily and that is a lot of good if you are in the aged category, again without the need to take in harmful medicines!
Something about Alzheimer's
A study led by researchers at the University of Exerter in the UK have found that mouth bacteria in particular Neisseria may improve your working memory, executive function and visual attention. This will even affect more on those that do not have coqnitive decline showed improvements. The Neisseria genus which usually live in the mouth and nose do not give trouble - even sometimes give benefits. A recent study shows that the Neisseria bacteria can lower the person's systemic blood pressure - it does this by helping convert nitrate rich food for example leafy vegetables to nitric oxide which is a key molecule in the process of regulating blood pressure. People who are genetically predisposed to Alzheimer's tend to have trouble naturally producing nitric oxide. Maybe if you eat more of the leafy vegetables and take time to chew it in your mouth will do you all the good - chewing vegetables will help liberate the nitrates where the microbs will help convert it to nitric oxide to be quickily absorbed by the intestines.
Meditation could protect older people against dementia, according to new research. The ancient relaxation technique boosts brainpower in over 65s, say scientists, specifically attention, awareness and emotional health. The researchers behind the new study assessed a group of older adults experiencing memory difficulties who practiced 12 minutes per day of music listening or simple yoga meditation for 12 weeks. Samples of their blood from before and after the 3 months of therapy revealed changes in levels of certain markers with associations to cell aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Kim Innes, a professor at West Virginia University School of Public Health in Morgantown, led the study and is first author of the study paper, which features in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
The team chose to measure a number of blood markers that “have emerged as possible predictors of cognitive decline and dementia.” These included telomere length, telomerase activity, and levels of certain beta-amyloid peptides with links to Alzheimer’s disease. One change that often occurs in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease is clumps of beta-amyloid protein. Whether these beta-amyloid clumps in the brain cause the disease or just accompany it, and how they relate to blood levels of the protein, is not entirely clear. Scientists are, however, becoming increasingly confident that a blood test based on beta-amyloid markers will one day be able to predict Alzheimer’s long before symptoms such as memory loss and confusion emerge.
It's important that you eat the right kind of food too!
Your muscles do count
Studies show that resistance and strength training, or even strecthing aerobics will build sustainable, long-term muscle mass, significantly lowers the risk of developing some of the gravest brain diseases like demetia. Building muscle mass is both a task that is exercise-driven and dietary. The key to sustainable muscle mass is to create a strategic workout plan that builds on progressive overload exercises, in conjunction with a diet that focuses on ingesting sufficient, high-quality, lean protein sources. Taking sufficient protein at night will help you to build up your muscles while you sleep.
Staying active before 50 could stave off dementia in later life
A healthy body really could mean a healthy mind. For a study suggests that staying active before you hit the age of 50 could have stave off dementia in later life. Scientists believe exercise may help to preserve volume in the part of the brain linked to thinking and memory. Furthermore, those who exercised throughout life were less likely to experience cognitive decline even if they had key markers of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers analysed data from a long-running national health survey which has tracked more than 5,000 people from birth. Dr Sarah-Naomi James, of the UCL Dementia Research Centre, said the results of the analysis of the National Survey of Health and Development showed "it's never too late" to become active. David Thomas, of Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "Dementia is not an inevitable part of ageing, and finding ways to prevent people from ever developing it is a vital part of our mission for a cure." Perhaps doing exercises as a routine will be the best gift in your life.
Why is gut health important?
Digestive system problems such as heartburn, gas, nausea, bloating and constipation reflect what’s happening throughout your body, especially in your gut. “As we age, the natural cycles slow down and don’t work as well,” says Johns Hopkins gastroenterologist Gerard Mullin, M.D. The main changes in your gut are stomach acid (level), gut immunity and gastrointestinal flora—the complex ecosystem of bacteria in your digestive system termed gut microbiome. Scientist has acknowledged that the gut microbiome is the second brain and there is a form of communication between the gut and the brain so you will need to take care of your gut – by giving it suitable food as the microorganisms there also need food.
Alzheimer’s disease can cause by what you eat!
According to research using gut microbiota transplants, it has been shown that memory impairments in human with Alzheimer’s can be passed on to the young (healthy rats). The research further implied that specific bacteria in the gut are directly linked to cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patient. It would thus imply that both Alzheimer and other forms of dementia are directly related to the health of gut microbiome. But how does the health of gut microbiome be affected by what you eat? Understanding the role of gut microbiome during the early stages of dementia will bring about a right therapy for intervention to the onset of mind disease. In the research, rats that have microbiome transplanted from Alzheimer patient showed impaired memory behaviors. It is therefore important to know what goes on in our gut – in relation to what we eat.
Mouth microbes and Alzheimer's
There is an indication that the bacteria in your mouth predict whether you are at risk of dementia. Emerging research suggests that the bacteria and microbes living on your tongue and gums may affect how the brain works and how it changes as we age. In turn, this could affect whether someone ages normally or develops dementia. This raises the possibility that food and treatments that change our oral bacteria could one day play a role in helping to preserve brain health as we age.
What was found is that the bacteria in these samples showed that people who had large numbers of two groups of bacteria called Neisseria and Haemophilus performed better in brain health tests. In particular, people with these bacteria had better memory, and better ability to pay attention and perform complex tasks. Bacteria can also break down nitrite to produce nitric oxide, which improves circulation, including blood flow to the brain. It is suggested that eating lots of nitrate-rich vegetables, such as leafy green spinach and rocket, could boost levels of healthy bacteria and help improve brain health, which might be especially important as people age.
Incidentaly, a different group of bacteria may be causing more harm than good. The study found two groups of bacteria that are potentially linked to worse brain health. One group called Porphyromonas, which is often associated with gum disease, was more common in people with memory problems than people who were healthy. A second group called Prevotella was linked to low nitrite, which in turn could mean poorer brain health. Prevotella was also more common in people who carry the gene APOE4, which is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's. The above was reported by Joanna L'Heureux, Postdoctoral Researcher, Public Health and Sport Sciences, University of Exeter.
Some food might cause more harm!
Doctor warns taking tablets with fruit could be "dangerous." BBC Morning Live regular Dr Xand van Tulleken said people taking certain drugs should be cautious about eating the fruit (grapefruit), as well as its juice or jam, as it could interefere with medication for days after consumption. This is because an organic compound in the fruit deactivates an enzyme in the intestines that breaks down the medication which can lead to a potentially dangerous build-up of the drug in the body. "When we take medication our bodies break them down so we can excrete them harmlessly after they’ve worked - so grapefruit can either stop breaking down the drugs so you got a very high dose and that can have quite toxic effects," said Dr Van Tulleken. "This could have serious consequences, leading to a potentially dangerous build-up of the drug in the body."
"When we take medication our bodies break them down so we can excrete them harmlessly after they’ve worked - so grapefruit can either stop breaking down the drugs so you got a very high dose and that can have quite toxic effects," said Dr Van Tulleken. Medicines like cholesterol medication statins, blood pressure medication, psychiatric medication, immunosuppressants like those used by organ donation patients and drugs that regulate a fast heart, called antiarrhythmics, as just some examples. "Half a glass [of grapefruit juice] can be enough to alter the way you process that drug for many days," added Dr Van Tulleken.
There is such a thing as a perfect temperature!
Finding the perfect temperature is important for more than just being comfortable in your home. It turns out, setting the thermostat just right could be key to warding off dementia later in life. After tracking dozens of people 65 and older for one year, Harvard researchers found a temperature between 68 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (20C to 24C) was best for maintaining brain health. Outside of this range, the likelihood of experiencing attention difficulties doubled with a 7-degree Fahrenheit change in either direction. They said older adults whose homes were in the ideal range were less likely to self-report difficulty concentrating than those whose homes were hotter or colder.
New insights about dementia
Brits with a common heart problem may need not worry about their caffeine intake in later life — as up to five brews a day could reduce their risk of dementia. Scientists from Basel University Hospital in Switzerland found that those aged over 65 who suffered an irregular heart rhythm were less likely to suffer memory-robbing symptoms if they were heavy coffee drinkers. Participants who drank more than two brews per day, on average, also had lower levels of inflammatory blood markers associated with the degenerative disease, compared to those who drank less. Speaking of the findings, the researchers said the protective effect may be due to the caffeine in coffee reducing oxidative stress — an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body that usually fight infection. Study authors also suggested caffeine decreases the build-up of amyloid — a protein that clumps together to form plaques — and reduces inflammation and cell death in the brain, which may reduce dementia risk. However this has only been proven in mice and not humans, meaning the connection still is not certain.
Are you impacted by poor mood?
Well, there is hope. Try eating dark chocolate, the kind that contains little sugar! Nutritional psychiatrist Dr. Uma Naidoo recently spoke with CBS News about the things you should be eating to boost your health and you may be affected by the things she suggested. Dr. Naidoo recommended eating more fiber as it is important for maintaining proper gut functioning. Then, eat dark chocolate (with little sugar content)as it als contain fiber and serotonin. Serotonin combat depression which is a bane for most elderlies but do refrain from eating too much.But not just any dark chocolate, only natural dark chocolate which might not easily available. However, the experts warn that eating too much of dark chocolate may increase your accumulation of toxic metals like cadmium and lead!
Would you love to add years to your life?
Here are 3 doable things that can add to your life – that is if you are fit enough to enjoy life!
Healthy Heart
As the heart is the pump to the system, we must do our best to keep it in good condition. Researchers have found that better heart condition will lead to slower aging. Here are 8 important points that can lead to a healthy heart. 1. Eat as much as you can whole plant based food – stay away from highly processed food. 2. At least one hour of exercise – mix strength training with cardio. 3. Keep a low body fat as excess fat can increase risk of chronic decease. 4. Avoid excessive LDL (bad cholesterol). 5. Eat just enough protein and fiber to balance bold sugar. 6. Enough sleep (will depend on individual) of 6 hours. 7. Stay away from nicotine and alcohol (no excess). 8. Stay away from high blood pressure (with medication). Remember though, healthy life is not a given – it is not like eating all you can.
What food to take to enhance the health of the gut microbiome?
It has been determined from research (Graze University of Technology, Austria) that consuming fruits and vegetables can contribute positively to the bacterial diversity of the gut microbiome – a large range of different bacteria can add to the health of the gut system. In furtherance to that, it was found that a good agricultural practice can ensure plenty of useful bacteria – plant associated bacteria will thrive in a positive environmental microbiome. So eat more fruits and vegetables and less of meat to gain on body health.
Taurine to slow down aging
Researchers at Columbia University have shown that having taurine in supplements slow down the effects of aging in test on mice, worms and monkeys. Now that is what you should be taking if you want to add a few years to your life. Taurine is an essential amino acid that plays a role in the body’s digestive , cardiovascular, skeletal, muscular and the nervous system – so you can see how important to have enough of it in your system. Taurine is found in small quantities in fish, meat and eggs and is also available from your pharmacist as a supplement. Take it and age gracefully but if you can’t find it then just take two eggs a day – that’s all! When you age, you accumulate damage DNA which can lead to mutations and also an increased risk of getting cancer. Taurine protects your DNA and have the capability to scavenge harmful free radicals. 1. Taurine helps in tissue repair and tissue regeneration 2. It helps blood pressure regulation, reducing heart problems
What about your drinking water - does it matter?
To stay healthy, you will need to drink at last 3 big cups of it a day to stay healthy. Your body weight is at least 65% coming from water and you need to be able to furnish your body with water but not any water. Water from the pipe is supposed to be safe but in truth, they are not safe because they contain a lot of unwanted chemicals that can give you illness. A long term ingestions of these harmful chemicals can cause cancer. So in order to be safe and be able to live long you should only drink filtered water - do not trust pipe water even if the authorities deem it safe. Safe water are those that you have filtered and boiled - and try to avoid taking coffee or tea from the roadside stall as they are seldom treated.
New therapy for prolonging life?
A new gene therapy could fix failing hearts - was developed by a team of researchers in Italy and the United Kingdom. The team of researchers said the therapy could reduce the heart's age by ten years. In January 20203, researchers from the University of Bristol and MultiMedica Group in Italy discovered a new anti-aging gene that has proven to reduce the age of heart cells by at least a decade. “Researchers have long suspected that people who live beyond 100 years old must have a unique genetic code that protects them from the ravages of old age,” wrote The Telegraph’s Science Editor Sarah Knapton. “Previous research showed that carriers of a variant of the BP1FB4 gene enjoy long lifespans and fewer heart problems,” Knapton added.
The researchers found that by inject the BP1FB4 gene into the hearts of aging mice using a virus as the delivery method; it was found that BP1FB4 rewound the heart’s biological clock by the human equivalent of 10 years! The treatment also triggered regeneration of heart tissue when the new genes were introduced into damaged cells in the laboratory, it was noted to help return lost function through the building of new blood vessels. However, clinical trials will continue to ascertain whether BP1FB4 will indeed work.
Here’s how you could reduce your risk of depression
Society is getting evermore complex and the stress of daily life is taking its toll on nearly everyone’s mental health. Depression rates are rising and things are really looking grim. Now what can you do to pep up your mood?
Nuts and more nuts will do the trick!
Researchers have discovered that eating a handful of nuts a day can drastically reduce your risk of developing depression. Just how much risk can you reduce by eating nuts?
A 18% lower risk of depression - or a 18% up your mood!
It turns out that you can lower your risk of developing depression by a whopping 17% if you’re eating just a handful of nuts a day, which is a doable thing and not forgetting that there are other benefits to nut eating like you get more fiber, more protein and more minerals.
Scientist have found why we aged
What is the cause of aging?
Repetitive regions at the very ends of chromosomes are called telomeres, and they're found in a wide range of eukaryotic species, from human beings to unicellular organisms. Telomeres act as caps that protect the end regions of the chromosomes, and they're worn down a small amount in each round of DNA replication - they get shorter and shorter and finally become useless. This shortening has been found to be associated with aging! So scientists are working out to prevent this shortening effect for they believe that doing so will help arrest aging - and they have found a solution! So wait for this miracle cure - no need to take drugs.
You are what you eat!
Well, not everyone believes in what they will become after eating a certain thing, right?
Indeed, food scientist have found that there is a great amount of truth in the saying. But you will not believe it because you would want to eat anything of your fancy. However, if you were to look at society, especially the more advance society, you will find that there are more obese people than thin people strolling round the streets. That is because people just do not want to stop eating their favourite food - most of their favourite food can be caterised as junk food. Scientist have found that you will get a healthier life if you stop eating junk food and instead eat more vegetables - right, eat more vegetabes as they will make your gut healthier which will mean your brain will get a healthier message. But to break into this routine is hard to do for the average guy. Do not wait until your body feels sick as there is very little time left to resuscitate your body to the health condition while you were much younger. It is also scaring to know that the younger generation is experiencing more cadiovascular diseases - the much fear of getting heart attack and its ensuing consecquences. But think of it, eating more vegetables is not a very hard thing to do.
Are free radicals dangerous?
Our bodies contain millions of cells that need healthy building materials to do their jobs. They get those healthy building materials from healthy food. Burning sugars, carbohydrates and proteins in our body consumes oxygen, producing by-products called free radicals. Too much sunlight, stress, cigarette smoke, sugars, alcohol ... also creates excess free radicals. An overdose of these free radicals is linked to all kinds of diseases: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, inflammation, strokes.
How does the body confront these free radicals? Well, there is such a thing like antioxidants which you get from healthy food? Vegetables, fruits and sprouts can give you all the antioxidants that you want to fight these free radicals. Nuts, dark chocolates and seeds will cone to help as well. If however you do not have enough of these antioxidants then you might want to take vitamin C supplements – and take them for twenty four hours.
Overweight? No problem - just take Ozempic or Wegovy!
It is been predicted by the experts that at least 90% of the US population will be overweight by 2030. So are we concerned? No, there is this easy way to weightloss - taking Ozempic or Wegovy. Just like that but indeed we are all very worried because people like to chose the easy way out - eat all we want and if conditions become bad, we just go for that medicine that is so easily available, albeit with a doctor's recomendation. Could the conditions get worse for the rest of the world? Yes, it is because of inflation and everyone gets a little bit less money to spend, the result is that everyone tries to stay home sitting in front of movies that have resulted in them getting sickness all over their bodies! However, it is not always doom as people can still do little exercises that can spurt their bloodflows and their Chi which will give them a healthy body. Yes, take care to doo the relevant exercises and also not to forget to cut down on your eating. Eating less and eating smart is the way to trim your body of fats - makes your gut feel healthy which will also make your mind healthy. So you don't have to go the Ozempic way - saves you a lot of money.
A top doctor has revealed an alarming new symptom he has seen emerge among Ozempic patients. Dr Daniel Rosen, who is a surgeon and obesity medicine specialist based out of New York, says a “legitimate number'”of his patients have developed a condition called allodynia, or a hypersensitivity to pain. Dr Rosen says this means that even wearing clothing can feel painful, as can the “wind blowing on your skin.” Some people describe the sensation on their skin as being like bad sunburn, with the sensation of touch triggering a sharp, stinging or burning pain.
The fear of getting cancer
Scientists have discovered a 'switch' that reverses cancer cells, in what is being described as a major breakthrough. By activating this at molecular level, researchers in South Korea were able to revert cancerous cells back to a healthier stage. "This finding provides a new approach for cancer treatment by rewiring cancer cells rather than eliminating them," Dr Tiffany Troso-Sandoval, a retired oncologist formerly at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center -who was not a member of the research team. Traditional cancer treatments focus on removing cancer cells through surgery, or destroying them with radiation or chemotherapy.
But the new research appears to have uncovered a third approach that could allow cancer patients to regain their healthy cells. One of the co-author of the new research, Kwang-Hyun Cho, a professor of biology at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, said: "This study has revealed in detail, at the genetic network level, what changes occur within cells behind the process of cancer development, which has been considered a mystery until now." "This is the first study to reveal that an important clue that can revert the fate of [tumor development] is hidden at this very moment of change," he added.
Using a molecular identification system, the team was able to target the mechanisms controlling this transition and identify molecular pathways that pushed cells back to a normal state. Cho and his colleagues tested this new treatment mechanism through molecular cell experiments in lab-grown mini-tumors, or organoids, made from colon cancer cells. They identified an enzyme that was hindering the breakdown of certain cancer-related proteins, allowing them to fuel tumor growth. By blocking the enzyme, the organoids stopped growing and reverted to a healthy state of normal functioning.The findings were published in the journal Advanced Science.
Relooking climbing stairs
Using the stairs is both a bane and boon! How is it? Well, for those who have to use the stairs, it should be a boon because it is daily dose of flexing your muscles, in particular the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and core muscles. Furthermore, if you climb the stairs everyday (for those who are fortunate enough), you will invariably benefit by improving cardiovascular health and burning calories to building endurance and strength, which will get rid of those puffing and groining when you try very hard to go up the stairs. And what about if you have to take the lift to go to your office – well, don’t be lazy and take the stairs instead. You will not have to fear of catching the flu when you take the stairs – just imagine you don’t have to share the foul air in the lift with the other occupants!
However it would be a different case if you are aged as your muscles are not that flexible to take care of the stairs. Still, if you are used to it then there won’t be any problem but you will have to climb the stairs at a slower pace because you can’t afford to miss the step or else you will injure yourself or worst still, break your legs. But there is often a rule as far as climbing the stairs is concerned. It should be every pace counts and not hurrying to get to your destination. There should be something like conscious breathing, pace yourself every step – it would be the same when you climb down the stairs as well. However, architects should redesign the stairs to incorporate safety measures because no body, whether you are young or old to misstep the stairs and injure yourself. Things like a safety harness that automatically straps you on a cage like contraption might be useful. Come to think of it if you can afford to climb the stairs five times a day (for a double story house), you will stay healthy until your nineties!
Computing Work
It is now common for the elderlies to use computers – either to do work or read or play videos. Doctors also advise to take a break as often as possible because sitting for long doing computing work will prevent from proper blood flow – it is also bad for the Chi which does not flow properly. We all know that bad blood flow can cause certain fats to build up in our arteries thereby causing cardiovascular problems - slowing down blood flow can triggered fat deposit on the vascular walls. It goes to make it a habit to take breaks after a fifteen minutes work so that we can remain healthy. You will also don’t have to feel pains on your body as your muscles remain flexible. Doing five minutes workout can often keep you alert especially when you have taken a heavy meal. It is also a good advice for those who play table games like mahjong and card games to take a break after each game so that blood flows remain normal – it is a good habit that is often forgotten.
Children make my day
It is often found that elderlies stay alone or with their spouse in their house as most of the children have gone to work in out of town. Being lonely is the norm but has it to be like this – bear in mind that most of the developed world is facing having an elderly society. Children, because of their playfulness can have a positive mood for the lonely. Society should make it a point to get children to mix with the old so that it can bring a sense of usefulness to the olds. Interacting with children, especially for those that are between 2 and 8 years old can bring about a happy society; moreover, it can bring forth a sense of usefulness because there is this implicit duty of teaching the young. Holding the hands of the young can triggered off a sense of relationship to society and being able to carry the young tots can give a sense of responsibility that often enough the elders will miss. Especially designed playgrounds should be mandated because having it can give opportunity to the elderlies to have a meaningful life.
Owning a pet is a very rewarding experience.
1. Cortisol reduction - cortisol is a hormone that is released by the adrenal gland when we are stressed, while it serves a purpose, too much of it, too often, can have a detrimental effect on our health.
2. Just spending 10 minutes in the company of an animal can reduce your stress levels – together with a cocktail of feel-good hormones is also released.
3. Petting animals can actually boost your immune system - studies have found that children who lived with a dog had higher levels of immune system chemicals.
4. Not only pets but farm animals will also boost immunity - a study showing that infants who grew up in such settings had lower incidences of allergies and asthma.
5. Animals can sense our aura - when they sense you're not feeling well, they offer comfort.
6. A study found that people with hypertension saw their blood pressure lowering significantly after spending five months with a dog.
7. Recovering from serious health events such as a stroke or a heart attack can be hard - but the good news is that pets are there to offer solace.
8. Petting an animal triggers a number of chemical responses in our brains, including the release of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone which will make us feel more connected to our pets as well as having a purpose in life – also Serotonin which will improve our mood.
9. Your cholesterol might decrease if you own a pet - chronic high cholesterol levels can lead to a number of health complications and even result in a heart attack or stroke.
10. Having a pet can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and symptoms of PTSD.
11. Where pain is concerned, being around a pet can actually help decrease the pain as you will not be able to focus on the pain.
12. People who own pets is able to live longer
Zoom with friends
Well, when you grow old you will probably have fewer friends to interact with. Regardless, you can still make the better of it if you can’t seem to be able to go out there and meet up for you can now meet your friends through Zoom Meet. Right, of course you have to learn how to use the computer or else turn to your mobile phone to meet with your friends. Not only you can meet your friends or recent acquire pals, you can also do other things while conversing with your pals – right, you can even have a beer drinking session or a whisky bout. Zoom allows you to connect with your pals through the internet, right in your bedroom if you want. You can even have a nudist session if it favors you but seriously speaking, you would most likely want to meet your pals to chat about everyday happenings (things that you consider good gossips). However, zooming is not the normal thing that old folks do – you do need to have someone to suggest it. Still, if all things taken into consideration then Zooming is the most affordable course to participate – just imagine how much it will cost you to drive (or ride share) to the other side of town!
How to test whether you are as fit as you were when young?
A simple diagnostication is to see whether you are out of breadth when you reach the top of the stairs! Most will pant when they reach the top but some will seem to have more energy to go on. So if you belong to the former, fret not as there will be a way to redress your inner strength. Simply treat your going up the stairs as a way to keep fit; the more you use the stairs the better it is to keep fit. Climbing up the stairs does make use of your leg muscles and the more you climb the more your muscles retain its capability. As for those who stays in flats it would be the case where you would rather walk up the stairs than to take the lift - it is often lazyness that causes ailments. You will realise now that it is of utmost importance to be able to walk and able to walk up the stairs at that. But if you find yourself at the bottom of the rung as far as doing walking exercise is concerned, and you are not alone, you will need to pay attention to exercise your leg muscles. As an important motive, there should be machines that will train your muscles to climb the stairs. Not only that there should be exercises that train your back steps on your way to climb up the stairs – if there is anything it would bring back your youth.
Ever pick your ears?
Doctors don’t advice it and barbers make it a good service. Well, poking your ears with a thin instrument is not advisable because accidents could happen when you pierce your ears. Normally it is about getting rid of the wax but there is a more important function – that is to tickle your ears so that it gets more sensitive! But why? Well, as a person age, the ears become less sensitive in terms of hearing. And one way of restoring your hearing is to tickle your ears with a thin instrument, say a toothpick. Of course you might as well get rid of the wax but that is not the important reason. See, picking the ears was one of the best pleasures one can afford – it was very popular in the East. But in modern days, picking ears should be looked at the best way to restore your ability to hear even the low notes and that is the least we can recommend for senior citizens. If not then you will have to put up a hearing device which some people would prefer to hide it away. Tickling the ears has the effect of strengthening your outer ear muscles so that it can perform the task that was intended. However, no doctors will recommend it because they have not heard about it from their practice – and certainly not from their books!
What causes "wake-up strokes?"
The good doctor will tell you that the most likely cause are that you have diabetes! But there are many diabetics but only few of them have wake up strokes! Then the doctor says perhaps you have high blood pressure but most of us do have an elevated blood pressure. Or maybe heart disease of some sorts – yet they don’t happen during the day times or during their cat naps! Indeed there are too many wake up strokes that it is generally accepted that that it just happens without any reason. But according to some wise people, many of those who suffer from a wake up stroke is because they do not drink enough of water before they go to bed. Strangely, most wake up strokes happen during the early morning hours; say around four during the morning. The main reason is that at that time, the body is really hydrated due to the perspiration or due to air conditioning. A hydrated body will increase the viscocity of the blood, making it too thick to flow through the blood vessels - give rise to blood clots! So in order to prevent wake up strokes, it goes to figure out that we should drink enough of water before we go to sleep. However, some people are scared of going to waking up to go to pee as the doctors says, interrupting your sleep too often may bring about dementia in your later life although it is not proven. So which would you choose – having a stroke or experiencing dementia later in life?
The dangers of reused cooking oils
There is a level where cooking oil should not exceed and that level has to do with its smoke point. And if that level is exceeded, however, the oil not only begins to lose its nutritional value and flavor, it produces toxic fumes and hazardous substances called free radicals. Avoid such risks by choosing oil suitable for your cooking method. A heated cooking oil is considered unsafe when it reaches its smoking point — the temperature at which it begins to chemically break down and smoke continuously. At this point, the fat molecules break down into glycerol and free-fatty acids, and the glycerol breaks down further to produce toxic fumes and free radicals — not to mention an unpleasant flavor. Chemical by-products in the toxic fumes generate free radicals, which are damaged cells. Once inhaled, they have the potential to damage other healthy cells in your body by changing their DNA – it damages the mitochondria. Over time, these damaged cells accumulate and can become precursors to various diseases such as cancer, according to Mayo Clinic. Heavy ingestion of transformed reused cooking oil will bring damage to the cell’s mitochondria – it will produce cancerous cells!
Even worse is reusing cooking oil. Reusing cooking oil in food preparation, especially during deep-frying, is a common practice to save costs. Repeated heating of the oil accelerates oxidative degradation of lipids, forming hazardous reactive oxygen species and depleting the natural antioxidant contents of the cooking oil. Long-term ingestion of foods prepared using reheated oil could severely compromise one’s antioxidant defence network, leading to pathologies such as hypertension, diabetes and vascular inflammation. Thus consuming deep-fried oils has been linked to oxidative stress and inflammation, which are risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases and other chronic conditions. Dementia and Alzheimer comes to mind – those who have aged should take note. Never reuse cooking oil no matter how hot it is heated. Furthermore, studies revealed that diets inclusive of reheated oils led to escalated levels of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, AST and ALT, and inflammatory markers, alongside considerable damage to liver and colon structures, pointing to potential cardio-metabolic and organ harm.
The dangers of deep frying
Deep-frying refers to completely submerging food in hot oil. It is a very common method of food preparation around the world, producing tasty albeit unhealthy foods like fried chicken, hamburgers and French fries, just to name a couple. Researchers also found that the increased neurodegeneration appears tied to the oil’s effects on the bidirectional communication network between the liver, gut, and brain. This liver–gut–brain axis is crucial to the regulation of various physiological functions, and its impairment shows an association with neurological disorders.
The danger in cooking oil
In experiments, rodents were provided with reheated sesame or sunflower oil showed increased oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver. Those same rodents also displayed notable damage in the colon that sparked changes in endotoxins and lipopolysaccharides, which are toxins released from certain bacteria.“As a result, liver lipid metabolism was significantly altered, and the transport of the important brain omega-3 fatty acid DHA was decreased. This, in turn, resulted in neurodegeneration, which was seen in the brain histology of the rats consuming the reheated oil as well as their offspring,” explains Prof. Shanmugam, formerly of Madurai Kamaraj University, India.
Besides adding empty calories, deep frying foods usually entails reusing the same oil for frying. This is a common practice in both homes and restaurants, despite reuse removing many of the oil’s natural antioxidants and health benefits. Reused oil may also contain harmful components, including acrylamide, trans fat, peroxides, and polar compounds – there should be a new advisory that reused oil should never be used. Neither should used cooking oil be thrown into the gutters!
Kitchen ingredient like cooking oil used by millions may be fuelling increase of cancer, in particular colon cancer. There has been a surge of colon cancers in young Americans, a government-funded study suggests. Consuming large amounts of seed oils – which include sunflower, canola, corn and grapeseed – has long been linked to inflammation in the body. Researchers found patients' tumors had high levels of bioactive lipids, microscopic fatty compounds produced when the body breaks down seed oils. These lipids are believed to be dangerous in two ways - they promote inflammation (maybe also destroying the mitochondria) which helps cancers grow and they prevent the body from fighting the tumors. The researchers said seed oil with omega-3 fatty acids such as olive and avocado oil should be substituted. Robert F Kennedy Jr, President-Elect Donald Trump 's nominee for secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, has stated that Americans are being “unknowingly poisoned by them.” No one cause has been identified but ultra-processed foods are thought to play a role because they contain fats, sugars and other chemicals that lead to inflammation in the digestive tract. However, authorities like the American Heart Association suggest there is no evidence yet that seed oils in moderate amounts cause inflammation.
The average American consumes almost 100 pounds of seed oils per year, according to some estimates, which is up about 1,000-fold compared to the 1950s. The latest study, published Tuesday in the journal Gut, looked at 81 tumor samples from colorectal cancer patients ages 30 to 85. Just over half of the patients had stage three or four cancers, while one-third were at stage two. The team found that patients with colorectal cancer had significantly higher levels of bioactive lipids than healthier fats in their tumors. Seed oils naturally contain fatty acids, including omega-6s and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are converted into bioactive lipids through a complex biochemical process in the plant seed. Finding bioactive lipids in the colon suggests the body has metabolized them, which occurs through eating foods that contain omega-6 fatty acids. In the case of colon cancer, inflammation causes cells to constantly split and regenerate in the colon, making them more prone to cancer-causing errors like mutations.
Dr Timothy Yeatman, study author and professor of surgery in the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, said: “It is well known that patients with unhealthy diets have increased inflammation in their bodies.”'We now see this inflammation in the colon tumors themselves, and cancer is like a chronic wound that won’t heal and suppression of the immune system that ultimately allows the cancer to grow.' The Florida researchers said that given the findings, treatment focused on resolving inflammation with unprocessed healthy fats like fish oil could help restore the body's healing mechanisms. Dr Yeatman said: “This has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, moving beyond drugs to harness natural healing processes. It’s a vital step toward addressing chronic inflammation and preventing diseases before they start.”
Scientists have also warned that a chemical released during the cooking process of several family favourite foods could raise the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 60 per cent – called acrylamide. Acrylamide is formed when starchy foods like bread, potatoes and coffee are heated, such as during baking, frying and roasting - triggered by the reaction between natural sugars and heat that causes browning. Yes, browning indicates that the carbs has been changed, even worse when it gets burnt. Ingesting large amount of acrylamide will affect the mitochondria, causing them to mutate forming cancerous cells!
A team of Spanish experts have found another possible risk from acrylamide consumption — cardiovascular disease. Across the studies the average level of acrylamide in diet ranged from 32.6 to 57 micrograms per day, with the poorer cardiovascular outcomes observed at the more 'extreme' end of the scale. Acrylamide content in an average slice of toast is thought to be roughly 4.8 micrograms per slice, and this doubles when burnt, Professor Oliver Jones, an expert in chemistry at RMIT University in Melbourne, told The Telegraph. However, the researchers said that “further research on the potential implications of acrylamide for heart health is critical given the high exposure in everyday life.” “It is a ubiquitous food processing contaminant to which the entire population is unintentionally exposed throughout life,' they wrote.”
This narrow front shoe is a no no
This is what you should wear
Falling over and alive to tell the tale!
Falling over is no joke as there are over six hundred thousand peopling die in a year globally. This is especially true for those in their sixties, falling over will normally kill them after a while. Researchers are trying to find the reasons for people to fall and they found that majority of the older people fall in their bathroom or in their house. But if they fall outside their homes, then it will most likely be serious where most of them will die after some time. So seriously talking we should all avoid falling over as best as we can – it seems that we easily fall over or trip over when our toes loses its strength. Toes should be flexible enough that it can hold the weight of the body for that is what it is put to load when a person trips over. Researchers have also found that the toe muscles loses its strength when they are put to wear wrong fitting shoes - shoes should preferably designed with a broad front so as to not squish the toes together. Unfortunately fashion dictates that we don’t want to wear a shoe with an ugly broad front. No running shoes are designed with a broad front – but that should be the way if at all we want to save our toes from being ruined.
However, you would want to know whether your toe will be able to save you from a fall over right – there is a way that is to try to fall unto a wall with your body erect and using your toes to try not to bang onto the wall! Four inches bending forward is all you need to stay healthy but if you can only fall two inches, then be better prepare. One way is to run up the stairs many times of if that is not possible, then use your bare foot to walk on a cement footpath for at least half an hour every morning. Don’t wear a highly cushion shoe at that because that will defeat the purpose. For those who wear bally shoes or high heel shoes, then be prepare for weak toes during your senior years – research shows that you will have a high chance of falling over because your toes cannot support your weight anymore when you tilt over. But still climbing up and down the stairs (if you have it in your house) will be the best solution – you should tip toe up and down for best results!.
Test yourself leaning towards the wall - at least slant by 4 inches
Eggly Affair
Now, a series of new studies suggest eggs could slash the chance of developing dementia thanks to the nutrients and protein they pack. In one study out of Chicago, for example, found that older adults who ate at least one egg every week halved their dementia risk. And researchers in China founder that older people who ate eggs every day had a lower risk of dementia than those who ate them just weekly or monthly. Dietitians recommend eating at least one or two eggs per day to enjoy the benefits – this is because eggs contain brain-healthy nutrients like choline and vitamin B12, which have been shown to lower harmful inflammation that could kill brain cells and support important functions like memory. Catherine Gervacio, a registered nutritionist-dietitian and diet consultant at WowMD, said '’moderate consumption of 4-7 eggs a week can provide cognitive benefits without negatively impacting cholesterol levels for most individuals.’’ Ms Gervacio also pointed toward nutrients like the antioxidant lutein and omega-3 fatty acid DHA. Lutein has been shown to lower oxidative stress, caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Oxidative stress can cause proteins associated with dementia to form. DHA, similarly, reduces the amount of amyloid beta in the brain, which is a protein responsible for brain cell disruption.
However, one large egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol, more than half of the daily recommended value of 300 milligrams. Most of this is concentrated around the yolk. But recent research has indicated that the biggest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats and carbohydrates in your diet—not the amount of cholesterol you eat. Science is beginning to show that most cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver rather than coming from foods like eggs. In an experiment, researchers found that eating 12 eggs a week has the same amount of cholesterol in their blood as compared to those who eat 2 eggs a week. Scientist has done research to find that most of the cholesterol is produced by the liver.
One theory propounded is that eating foods containing cholesterol triggers the release of the hormone cholesin, which travels to the liver where it binds to a receptor, signaling it to produce less LDL. Foods rich in saturated fat, however, stop the work of receptors that take the cholesterol out of the blood and into the liver, where it’s broken down. A study in The Journal of Nutrition found that older adults who consumed more than one egg per week had a 47 percent reduced risk of dementia compared to those who had less than one egg in a week. The researchers, from the Rush University Memory and Aging Project in Chicago, noted this was likely due to choline, a nutrient vital for brain health. Moti Gamburd, a biochemist and CEO at dementia caregiver network CARE Homecare, said "choline acts as an important building block for your brain. It helps create acetylcholine, which is a chemical that supports memory, learning, and overall brain communication." "As people age, their bodies often struggle to maintain sufficient levels of choline, which can affect cognitive function." "Eggs are one of the richest and most absorbable sources of this nutrient."
Ms Gervacio also pointed toward nutrients like the antioxidant lutein and omega-3 fatty acid DHA. Lutein has been shown to lower oxidative stress, caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Oxidative stress can cause proteins associated with dementia to form. DHA, similarly, reduces the amount of amyloid beta in the brain, which is a protein responsible for brain cell disruption."
Trista Best, registered dietitian at the Candida Diet said that “ while eggs are packed with nutrients shown to safeguard against dementia, they are also high in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol.” “These could increase LDL cholesterol levels, which could result in heart disease and heart attack if left untreated due to causing reduced blood flow to the heart.” “It is important to consider the cholesterol content of eggs prior to incorporating a higher amount into your diet, especially for those that are at a genetic risk for high cholesterol.'’ Meanwhile, the American Heart Association recommends about seven eggs per week, or one a day, to keep cholesterol levels down. But be informed, only hard boiled eggs are recommended, not omelettes.
Eggs, Eggs and what types of egg?
Eating burnt eggs may raise the risk of heart problems and cancer, experts warn. Prolonged temperatures of over 350F can cause the release of chemicals that are linked to inflammation and the thickening of arteries. These toxic chemicals, called oxy-sterols, formed when dietary cholesterol is cooked at high heats over a sustained period of time where its smoke point was reached. This means that crispy fried eggs (with certain part burnt) like over hard could be at risk of creating these chemicals, which have been linked to heart disease and cancer, according to Angel Luk, a registered dietician in Canada. Instead, she suggests opting for omelettes and other eggs that cook best on lower heats or perhaps hard boiled eggs. Furthermore, cut down on the oil, as excess amounts can cause eggs to burn faster.
In addition to heart disease, oxy-sterols have also been linked to some forms of cancer like colorectal and bladder cancer. Have you also heard of burnt cooking oil destroying the mitochondria – which could cause cancer! However, eggs are nutrient-dense foods that have been shown to help with weight loss, muscle strength, and heart health due to high amounts of protein, amino acids, and brain-healthy nutrients like choline. They are also rich in HDL cholesterol; a ‘good' cholesterol that helps rid the body of excess fats and lower the risk of heart disease.
The research on oxy-sterols in eggs has also been limited compared to evidence on the benefits of the breakfast staple. Ms Luk told Health Digest that when HDL cholesterol is overheated, “compounds called oxy-sterols can be created. “ “Some studies show that oxy-sterols have negative health effects, including increasing the risk of heart disease and cancer.” If however you still want to eat burnt egg, then you must increase the intake of anti-oxidants like vitamin C.
According to 2019 research from the National Institutes of Health, oxy-sterols can increase increase oxidative stress, which occurs when unstable molecules called free radicals damage cells and tissues and lead to inflammation. This oxidative stress damages disease-fighting antioxidants, leaving the body unprotected against cancer cells. A 2018 review suggested that oxy-sterols increased the risk of breast, prostate, colon, and bile duct cancer.
And a study published recently in the journal Cancer Prevention Research found that high oxy-sterols increased the risk of colon cancer by 22 percent. Additionally, a 2017 study in Lipids in Health and Disease found that oxy-sterols bind to LDL, or 'bad,' cholesterol, causing harmful plaque to build up in the arteries. This makes it more difficult for blood to properly flow through the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease. Cooking eggs on high heat, such as 350 degrees Fahrenheit (176 degrees Celsius), is most likely to result in oxy-sterols forming, research has shown.
Over hard eggs, which are typically fried longer than other types like over easy, are considered overcooked after about five minutes on high heat. Processed meats like sausages cooked at high heats have also been shown to release oxy-sterols. To reduce the risk of oxy-sterols forming, Ms Luk recommended opting for eggs that can be cooked at lower heats, such as scrambled eggs and omelettes. She said: “I recommend making a veggie omelette with minimal oil that is heat stable, without overcooking the eggs.” “This way, the protein in the egg is more easily digested while the vegetables provide additional fiber and antioxidant compounds.”
Why spirituality matters
Spirituality often matters to people because it touches on core aspects of human existence and provides a framework for understanding and navigating life's big questions. Here are a few reasons why: As we interact with society, we will need to approach it from the point of spirituality. It is preferable to have a higher spirituality so that we can better understand others – making friends instead of making enemies. Aged persons are supposed to reflect their compassion to others and by exuding this character; the person is most likely to take the upper hand which will avoid misunderstandings with others - so one aspect of us aging graciously is to inculcate this benevolent attitude which in all respect is a very difficult task to acquire.
Connection: Spirituality can foster a sense of connection to something larger than oneself, whether that's a higher power, the universe, or the interconnectedness of all life. Meaning and Purpose: It offers a sense of meaning and purpose, helping individuals understand their place in the world and their role within it. Inner Peace: Spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, or mindfulness can help cultivate inner peace and resilience, helping people to navigate life's challenges with a calm mind. Community: Many spiritual paths involve a community aspect, providing a sense of belonging and mutual support. Personal Growth: Engaging in spiritual practices can lead to personal growth, encouraging individuals to reflect, learn, and evolve. And lastly, your spirit matters as well as your health matters – ultimately benefiting society.
Ultra-Processed-Food (and highly fried)
Italian researchers have found people who eat more ultra-processed-food (UPF) have increased signs of biological ageing. What are UPFs? Things like ready cooked meals, burgers, pizza, pop sodas, and even supermarket bought bread could be ageing you faster, much faster than you were to eat simply prepared food. In the new study, which examined the diet and biological age of just over 22,000 Italian adults, experts found those who ate more UPFs were about four months on older biologically than their chronological age, that is they look haggard. Surely you don’t want to look old right. Diseases like cancer and diabetes is very much in mind as they were form a long period of eating not too healthy food.
Especially of importance is the oil that is used because when frying with the oil, some of the components become toxic when ingested. Researchers have found that toxic oil can damage the mitochondria which in turn give rise to mutated cells. Mutated cells then grow uncontrollably to form cancer colony. The Italian researchers were from the Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, however they said they do not know how UPFs will accelerate aging. Simona Esposito, an expert in epidemiology and lead author of the study explained: “Our data show that a high consumption of UPFs not only has a negative impact on health in general, but could also accelerate aging itself, suggesting a connection that goes beyond the poor nutritional quality of these foods.”
The authors however suggested two possibilities that could explain how UPFs could be linked to biological ageing. The first is that UPFs tend to be higher in acrylamide, a neurotoxic chemical that forms when food is processed at high temperatures – like frying. They cited research that high acrylamide exposure has been linked with “increased oxidative stress and inflammation” - both of which are thought to be precursors to some of the biggest killers. The second is that UPFs are typically wrapped in plastic for easy takeaway. This means UPF eaters could be at risk of chemicals form the packaging leaking into the food and potentially consuming them – read micro-plastics. While many non-UPF foods are also wrapped in plastic, the authors theorised that as UPFs tend to have longer shelf lives, there is more time for chemicals to leak into the foods.
Researchers then compared this data to the amount of UPFs participants' consumed according to questionnaires, and identified patterns. The study had a number of limitations, which the authors acknowledged. Firstly, the study is observational - meaning the researchers cannot be certain UPF consumption was behind the increased biological ageing, rather than another factor. The second was that participants' dietary information was collected via questionnaire, meaning people could be mistaken in reporting how much UPF they consumed. Still examining diet data and biological markers of ageing taken from 22,495 Italian adults can bring about insights on our eating habits even though there is a high component of Mediterranean Diet.
Why not to eat ultra-processed food
Ultra-processed food (UPFs) includes snacks, industrially-made bread and other packaged meals that contain ingredients such preservatives, emulsifiers and artificial colours and flavours not typically used when people cook from scratch – you have been warned not to eat them. UPFs now make up roughly half of the calories consumed by the average British adult, and two thirds of that eaten by children in the UK, according to recent data – which is alarming to say the least. Yet, studies have consistently shown eating too much of the processed stuff can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.
1. Instead of using a ready-made tomato sauce straight from a jar to mix in with your pasta, you should try making a simple sauce from scratch – a simple step from using tomatoes and some salt.
2. Pre-mixed sachet on your noodles is a no no - instead make a quick sauce with one-third water, two-thirds soy sauce, some sugar, sesame oil and a splash of vinegar, a dose of spice.
3. Tea and coffee is better than energy drinks and colas. An energy drink contains about 110 calories and about 30g of sugar per 250ml can, while a cup of coffee, with a splash of semi-skimmed milk, contains about 20 calories — that's 90 calories less.
4. Some experts suspect drinking too many energy drinks may increase your risk of colon cancer – American data shows that the number of colon cancer has increased dramatically among the young’s attributing to the increase use of energy drinks.
5. Rather than eating a couple of scoops of ice cream containing about 20g of sugar and 200 calories, researchers advise to simply eat some frozen fruit mixed in with a bit of natural yoghurt. Making this swap from ice cream could save you about 70 calories.
6. Snack on nuts instead of crisps – abstain from potato chips and whatever chips that you can get your hand on. Chopping up a potato and cooking it in a bit of oil, salt and pepper is far better than shoving a tray of frozen chips into the oven. frozen chips are not just a potato and a bit of oil, many bags of chips are covered in the additive maltodextrin and flavourings.
Maltodextrin, is a powder made from corn, rice, potato starch, or wheat, but which is highly processed.
Bathroom health – how your stool should look!
You should pay more attention to it as it will give you a cancer free body. A healthy poo can tell you a lot about your overall well-being. Generally, here's what you should be aiming for: Color - Medium to dark brown. This is due to bile in your digestive system. Shape: Log-like shape that's soft to firm, resembling a sausage or snake. Consistency: Should be smooth and easy to pass, without being too hard or too mushy. Frequency: Anywhere from three times a day to three times a week is normal. It's more about your personal regularity. It is best once a day.If you notice any drastic changes in your stool's color, shape, consistency, or frequency, it might be a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help identify if there's an underlying issue.
How then to monitor the poo?
Monitoring your poo can actually be quite useful for keeping tabs on your digestive health. Here’s a simple way to do it: Track Frequency: Keep a note of how often you go. Are you more regular than usual? Less? Observe Color: Note any changes in color. As mentioned earlier, a medium to dark brown is ideal. Keep an eye out for any unusual colors like red (which could indicate blood), black (which might suggest bleeding in the upper GI tract), or white (possibly a sign of a bile duct obstruction). Take note of any red color in your poo as it may indicate a rupture – use a paper to wipe your poo so that you can better see what is in it. Blood might also indicate that you have might have piles or even worse colorectal cancer!
Check Shape and Consistency: Compare your stools to the Bristol Stool Chart, a medical aid designed to classify the form of human feces into seven categories. Types 3 and 4 are generally considered the most ideal. Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass) Type 2: Sausage-shaped but lumpy Type 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface Type 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft Type 5: Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily) Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool Type 7: Watery, no solid pieces (entirely liquid)
Notice Any Symptoms: Take note if you experience any pain, discomfort, or changes in your bowel habits. If you notice anything concerning, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional. Keeping a journal or using an app to log this information can help you track patterns and changes over time. Remember, everyone's bowel habits are different, so it's about finding what's normal for you and staying attuned to any significant changes. Colorectal Cancer – the third most cancer worldwide and the second cause of cancer related death.
What you eat counts
Experts discovered people who ate a diet packed with plant proteins, specifically nuts and legumes, were more than a quarter less likely to suffer coronary heart disease. They also cut their risk of cardiovascular disease by almost a fifth – which matters. US researchers, who tracked over 200,000 adults over 30 years, claimed this was because the high amounts of fiber and antioxidants in plant based proteins stopped arteries getting blocked. Are your arteries blocked? You don’t know! Well, the best remedy is to change what you eat. Shunning red and processed meats could be “much more effective in preventing cardiovascular disease”, the scientists imbibed.
Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard University added: “Most of us need to begin shifting our diets toward plant-based proteins.” No, most people need to change their diet immediately! “We can do so by cutting down on meat, especially red and processed meats, and eating more legumes and nuts.”
Andrea Glenn, an assistant professor in nutrition and food studies at New York University, also said: “The average American eats a 1:3 plant to animal protein ratio. Our findings suggest a ratio of at least 1:2 is much more effective in preventing CVD.” “For CHD prevention, a ratio of 1:1.3 or higher should come from plants.” In the study, over 203,000 healthy adults were quizzed about their daily diet every four years. Researchers calculated each participant’s total protein intake, measured in grams per day, as well as their specific intakes of animal and plant proteins. Over a follow-up of 30 years, they found 16,118 cardiovascular disease cases, including over 10,000 coronary heart disease cases and over 6,000 stroke cases, were documented. Writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the scientists said participants who consumed the highest levels of animal proteins — compared to the lowest — had a 19 per cent lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
They were also 27 per cent less likely to suffer coronary heart disease. These risk reductions were even higher among participants who ate more protein overall. Those who consumed the most protein — 21 per cent of energy coming from protein — and adhered to a higher plant to animal protein ratio saw a 28 per cent lower risk of cardiovascular disease. For coronary heart disease this was 36 per cent lower. No significant associations were found for stroke risk and the ratio. However, replacing red and processed meat in the diet with several plant sources, such as nuts, showed a lower risk of stroke, the researchers said. They also found that risk reduction for cardiovascular disease begins to plateau around a 1:2 ratio.
The three main factors that matter in preventing dementia
There are just three main things you need to worry about when it comes to preventing dementia, a review suggests. Over the years everything from what time you go to bed to how much alcohol you drink has been linked to the memory robbing disorder. But by looking at data from more than 20,000 older adults over 30 years, researchers found three lifestyle factors demonstrably outweighed all others – you should change your life-style. Not having a hobby, being obese and being sedentary after age 60 were the biggest predictors of who went on to develop the disorder. They also found that Americans who lived in the South were more likely to develop the condition, even after adjusting for factors like income. So picking up knitting, going for regular walks and watching your calories are the most key factors to preventing the incurable condition. At the moment dementia is incurable.
Peter Hudomiet, an economist who led the study said: “This work provides additional evidence about actions that individuals can take to pursue a lifestyle that promotes brain health across the lifespan.” Writing in the study, he added: “Other lifestyle and health behavior factors are not strong predictors of dementia, such as smoking, checking cholesterol levels, having flu shots, and getting mammograms, pap smears, and breast or prostate exams.” The scientists suggest that learning about your risk factors could help people stave off age-related decline. This is what Avengers-actor Chris Hemsworth, 41, has moved to do after discovering he had a higher likelihood of developing dementia while filming a documentary. He's since found a renewed focus on sleep, stress management, nutrition and fitness, in an effort to reduce his risk of developing the disease. Research has suggested that nearly 10 percent of adults over age 65 may have dementia - representing more than 7million people (US). This number is likely going to grow if current trends continue - affecting an estimated 12million people by 2040.
The research was conducted by the RAND Corporation, a non-profit and research institution based in California and funded by the biotechnology company Genentech. It included three separate studies focused on what factors put people at higher risk for dementia, and how they respond to it. The first used a survey that has tracked over 20,000 older adults since 1992. The survey, called the Health and Retirement Study, asks people about their daily habits and health. This included asking about hobbies. Some of the most popular included chess, word games, mah-jong, gardening, car maintenance and making clothes. Using this study, they found that those who were obese, didn't exercise and didn't have hobbies over age 60 were more likely to develop dementia.
This was visible based on geography - with more adults in the South developing dementia than other parts of the country. This pattern persisted even after adjusting for other factors like socioeconomic status. Other factors, like if someone had a stroke earlier in life and lacked private health insurance also corresponded to a greater incidence of dementia. In terms of other factors, like alcohol consumption, the researchers found that people who drank moderately had lowest risk of dementia, and that the risk was elevated both in people who never drink and who drink excessively. The researchers didn't provide reasoning as to why engaging in hobbies and maintaining physical fitness might have kept peoples brains intact for longer. Maybe it is because of increased dopamine release through exercise (which includes thinking). But research has shown hobbies help people feel they have a purpose in life and help them exercise their cognition, literally working out their brains. Both these factors are associated with less accumulation of proteins in the brain related to Alzheimer's,the researchers said. On the physical end, regular exercise can help support healthy blood flow. Healthy blood flow to the brain is thought to be crucial to long term health of the organ, since blood supplies nutrients key for thinking, health and memory, according to the Alzheimer's Society.
On the opposite side of the coin, people who are obese often times have problems with blood flow, which could lead to a higher risk of dementia. Some studies have also shown that obesity can cause chronic inflammation, which can cause long term damage to the brain. The second and third studies within the new RAND report looked at how people respond when they learn they're diagnosed with dementia and what barriers they had to treatment. They found that when diagnosed, about 25 percent sought help with finances compared to about 2 percent of people without dementia at the same age. They found that they were also more likely to establish will and prepare to move to a safer location than people without a dementia diagnosis. The biggest barrier to treatment was the out-of-pocket costs associated with getting memory care. 80 percent of respondents said they would get cognitive testing if it was free, but that number was cut in half if the test cost $300. Study author Susann Rohwedder and a senior economist at RAND said this shows that making technologies that can provide an early diagnosis accessible may be key in keeping dementia patients safe. She said: 'Assessments provided individuals with information that may facilitate actions to prepare for the future'
Can your cartilage regrow?
The good old doctor said “cartilage doesn't heal.” That's what doctors often tell us when we injure the flexible tissue that lines our hips, knees and shoulders or when osteoarthritis has eroded it so that our joints hurt when we move. But is it so?
“There is intrinsic regeneration—with new tissue being formed and old tissue chewed up and washed away—just as there is for every tissue with the exception of tooth enamel,” explains rheumatologist Virginia Kraus of the Duke University School of Medicine. But, she emphasizes, the renewal process in cartilage is sluggish. And it is true that in adults the tissue has no blood supply. Instead cartilage gets help from what experts call dynamic loading—putting stress or weight on the joint, which causes nutrient-carrying synovial fluid to flow in and out. “That's why exercise is so critical to joint health,” Kraus notes. “The way you get nutrients to cartilage is through movement.” “The way you get nutrients to cartilage is through movement.”
Kraus is one of a small number of scientists who studies the slow turnover in this tissue. In a surprising discovery, she and her team reported in 2019 that the production of proteins associated with repair and regeneration differs by joint: It is greater in the ankle than in the knee and greater in the knee than the hip. Kraus refers to this gradient as “our inner salamander,” explaining that in salamanders and other animals that can regenerate a lost limb, this capacity is more robust in the foot than higher up in the leg.
But what if you are arthritic? Well, her study also showed that genetic material associated with repair is more abundant in arthritic joints than healthy ones. Just as a limb injury launches a repair program in a salamander, osteoarthritis is turning it on in humans, Kraus suspects, although “obviously the program we have is not sufficient.” Still, the repair process may be working in the ankle, which, she notes, is far less prone to severe arthritis than the knee or hip. One way out is to administer procedure called joint distraction. The procedure involves placing pins above and below the knee and using an external device for six weeks to separate the upper and lower leg bones by five millimeters. This opens up the joint space. Patients are encouraged to walk, but the device reduces stress, so the knee is bathed in nutrient-laden fluid without being overburdened. Dutch researchers have shown that the procedure leads to a small increase in cartilage in the joint and less pain—benefits that last at least two years and as many as 10 in some patients. Larger clinical trials of the technique are needed, “but it's a fascinating model,” says rheumatologist Philip Conaghan of the University of Leeds in England. So there is hope!
Water is the source of all our troubles!
Tap water consumed by up to 40million Americans may be raising their risk of a rapidly growing cancer, a study suggests. Researchers at Texas A and M University compared kidney cancer rates in 240 Texas counties to arsenic levels in the water in public and private water systems.They found people with high levels of the toxic mineral in their water had a 22 percent higher risk of the cancer. Even low levels the FDA considers safe were linked to a 6 percent increased risk. Arsenic is a toxic substance found in rocks that enters groundwater when these erode. It can also be used in pesticides, and then washed into groundwater by rain. In the body, it can be absorbed into the blood and travel into cells — causing damage to their DNA and raising the risk of cancer.
The results come as kidney cancer rates continue to surge in the US.In 2010, it was behind 54,000 cases in the US every year. But in 2021, it was behind 68,000 cases — and was the ninth most common cancer in the nation. Dr Taehyun Roh, an epidemiologist from Texas A and M who led the latest study, said: “Some public water systems are poorly managed and could expose customers to arsenic, but the 40million people in the United States who rely on private wells are particularly vulnerable.” Of the 40million, estimates suggest up to 2.7million are using private wells that contain more than 10ppb (parts per billion) of arsenic. Wells in Nevada, Washington, and California, are most likely to contain the chemical. Millions using public water systems are also exposed to high levels of arsenic, with a previous study by Consumer Reports finding eight percent of samples it tested from across the country had arsenic levels above 10ppb.
But the study found even 5ppb were linked to an increased risk of cancer. The FDA says that the safe limit for arsenic is levels that do not exceed 10ppb. The results also showed that every time the arsenic level in water doubled, the risk of suffering from the cancer was increased by four percent. Dr Roh added: “This study suggests that even low-level arsenic exposure in drinking water may be associated with an increased risk of kidney cancer. Arsenic accumulates in our body and does not get eliminated.” “This aligns with previous research indicating an association between this exposure and lung, bladder and skin cancers.” The kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood for waste products and toxic substances, including arsenic.
As if not enough, there are other toxic chemicals that get into the water treatment process like lead and mercury. One of the most devastating water crises in recent memory was the lead contamination in Flint, Michigan's drinking water in 2014. As of January 2023, nine years after the initial contamination, residents are still dealing with the effects. And in 2022 year, a water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi left many of the city’s 150,000 residents without potable water. Some water treatment facilities, from lack of funding or too little oversight, don’t effectively clean their water. In 2015, about 21 million people living in the U.S. were exposed to tap water that violated federal guidelines, according to a study published in 2018. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of people lack access to clean water and proper sanitation, leading to severe health consequences, especially in developing countries. Pollutants are distributed through the water cycle, affecting the local environment and water resources for drinking, agriculture, and industry.
How about the less developed countries? Are they worse off where people just died without the doctor giving any reason? Maybe. How to best go forward in respect to our water consumption? Well, the best way is to install a water filter system, one that is not too costly – should allow water filter element to be changed after a period of use. Additional chemical treatment will be a better option. Still there are gaps even with the best water treatment as we do not know what can get into the system. Perhaps a better option is to install water from the atmosphere system where we get sterile water on tap. And to go for taste, we will add some minerals to the water – that is we get sufficient power or those from the sun.
What about radiation, the kind that is radiated from your electrical appliances?
The kinetic energy of particles of non-ionizing radiation (from electrical appliances) is too small to produce charged ions when passing through matter, but is of concern because of the increasing intensity radiated from high powered appliances. For non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation the associated particles (photons) have only sufficient energy to change the rotational, vibrational or electronic valence configurations of molecules and atoms. However there might be other things that get changed for example our living cells – its mitochondria. The effect of non-ionizing forms of radiation on living tissue has only recently been studied. Nevertheless, different biological effects are observed for different types of non-ionizing radiation. What about the cell phones that we carried around 24 x 7? Wasn’t there hoo-ha sometime back where certain cell phones emit a large amount of radiation? What about our ear regions (also our brain) get heated up after sometime of using the phone to call someone?
What about EVs?
Now a seven-country study has found that the magnetic fields in electric vehicles pose no danger whatsoever at a time when electric car ownership continues to rise. But that is not to say there is no danger from EV uses. However the test did not specify under what conditions was the EV driven – what about when the driver is exposed for long journeys? Some EVs is powered by four motors which will mean there is a large amount of radiation coming from the front and rear. This situation is made worse because there is a ton of electrical wirings underneath the car with some even constantly communicating with their servers – AI mode! Some of the wirings are just next to the driver – their door panels. Anyway there should be more research done on using EVs even as more powerful motors are used in the latest models. They will have to make new test on the latest electric vehicles as the EVs use more powerful motors.
Body Flexibility – an indication of how long you will live!
Ever try touching your toes? A study suggests that if you can’t, then you could have a five times higher risk of death compared to those who can. But who would expect you to be flexible when you have already aged. Well, the best way is to stay flexible by training your body to flexible muscles. Certainly not a hard thing to do – just that you have a strong will to stay until your nineties. But this is the data - over 3,000 middle-aged people found those who found the exercise difficult had a far higher chance of dying within a decade compared to those who were suppler.
Brazilian researchers assessed the flexibility of participants in a study using a system called Flexindex. This examines how people can stretch in 20 ways using seven different joints, with some examples including being able to touch your toes, being able to touch the back of your left shoulder with your right hand over your head. So in case you are wondering, just try touching your toes without bending your legs. Maybe impossible at first but keep trying and doing all the flex during your daily workout – you will reach there sooner than later.
At the end of the tests people are given a total score of between 0 and 80. In the most recent analysis, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, experts found people aged 46 to 65 with higher Flexindex scores had between two and five better odds of surviving the next decade but don’t be disappointed because you can reshape yourself by doing flexible exercises. Of the 3,000 plus participants included in the analysis about one in 10 was dead at its conclusion – really dire. Survivors had an almost 10 per cent higher Flexindex score compared to those who died, the authors, from the Exercise Medicine Clinic – CLINIMEX, in Rio de Janeiro, said. Now for women this translated with a low Flexindex score having an almost five times higher risk of dying – you should take note. Whilst men with a low score had almost twice the risk once factors like age, obesity and existing health conditions into account.
Dr Claudio Gil S. Araújo, an author on the paper, said: “Being aerobically fit and strong and having good balance have been previously associated with low mortality.” “We were able to show that reduced body flexibility is also related to poor survival in middle-aged men and women.” He added that as flexibility tends to decrease as we age, people may wish to include stretching exercises into their routine and medics may wish to flexibility assessments in physical health evaluations. There were a number of limitations to that study: One is that participants were primarily affluent and white which may limit the implications to other groups.
Brain Aging!
Scientists discover the brain's 3 ageing 'waves' that starts before 60. A new study reveals that our brains go through three distinct ‘ageing peaks’ throughout our lives - experts have identified that levels of 13 proteins linked to brain ageing spike at 57, 70 and 78. The experts found concentration of around 3,000 proteins in the blood plasma of nearly 5,000 British people aged between 45 and 82 to contain proteins strongly linked with brain ageing - were found to form three age-related peaks at 57, 70 and 78-years-old. From this research, one protein in particular, called Brevican (BCAN), is associated with the onset of dementia, stroke and movement issues. Another protein, called GDF15, has also been linked to age-related diseases.
The researchers from First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in China also said that the peaks in these 13 proteins may reflect changes in human brain health at these specific ages. And these could be important times to consider interventions in the brain ageing process, they said, that could help delay the onset of diseases such as dementia. The warning is by 2050, it is estimated that the number of people aged 65 years and above will exceed 1.5 billion globally – highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of the ageing process. “These findings contribute to bridging essential knowledge gaps in clarifying the molecular mechanisms of brain aging, with substantial implications for the future development of…biomarkers for brain aging, as well as personalised therapeutic targets for subsequent age-related brain disorders.”>
When you exercise, the brain benefits
A day after an exercise, that which benefits the brain can still be felt! University College London (UCL) researchers found that the short-term boost our brains get after we do exercise persists throughout the following day. Those who did more moderate to vigorous physical activity than usual on a given day did better in memory tests the day after. Experts said the improvements could be achieved by something as simple as running up the stairs – as simple as you can go. Now what happens is that exercises increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine which help a range of cognitive functions.
These neurochemical changes are understood to last up to a few hours after exercise. However, other studies have shown brain states linked to exercise were more long-lasting, with evidence suggesting exercise can enhance mood for up to 24 hours. They also quantified sleep duration and time spent in lighter (rapid eye movement, or REM) sleep and deeper, slow-wave sleep. And after factoring in average levels of activity and sleep, they found that more moderate or vigorous physical activity compared to a person’s average was linked to better working memory and episodic memory (memory of events) the next day.
More sleep overall was linked to improved episodic and working memory and psychomotor speed. Those who had the most slow-wave - deep, restorative sleep - had better episodic memory, according to the findings published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. And conversely, more time spent being sedentary than usual was linked to worse working memory the next day. Dr. Mikaela Bloomberg, of UCL, said: “Our findings suggest that the short-term memory benefits of physical activity may last longer than previously thought, possibly to the next day instead of just the few hours after exercise. Getting more sleep, particularly deep sleep, seems to add to this memory improvement.” Brisk walking, dancing or walking up a few flights of stairs will do the trick!
Brain Cancer
Actually, only 1.4% of all new cancer cases are brain cancers. The chance of developing a malignant brain tumor is also low, in fact less than 1%, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Even so there are more than 120 major types of brain tumors, grouped into two main types: non-cancerous (benign) brain tumors, and cancerous (malignant) brain tumors. Benign, or non-cancerous, brain tumors are low grade (grade 1 or 2), which means they grow slowly, tend to respond more to surgical or other treatments, and are less likely to return after treatment. Malignant, or cancerous, brain tumors are high grade (grade 3 or 4) and either start in the brain (primary tumors) or spread into the brain from elsewhere (secondary tumors). Malignant tumors are aggressive and develop faster, and are more likely to grow back after treatment. When cancer develops elsewhere in the body and spreads to the brain, it's called a secondary brain tumor, or brain metastasis. Lung cancer (pictured), colon cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer can all metastasize to the brain. Conversely, while brain cancer cells may travel short distances within the brain, they generally do not spread beyond it.
Men are at a slightly higher risk—about one in 140—of developing malignant brain cancer, whereas women have a one in 190 chance of getting this cancer type. The risk of getting a brain tumor increases with age (most brain tumors happen in older adults aged 85 to 89). It's uncertain why some brain cells begin to form into tumor cells. Besides those that spread from other parts of the body, it's suggested that certain genetic conditions may predispose a person to overproduction of specific cells. And anyone exposed to dangerous and prolonged levels of radiation always runs the risk of developing cancer. Symptoms include headaches - particularly if you have a headache that feels different from the type of headache you usually get, or if headaches are getting worse. These are usually worse in the morning.
Also seizures, also called fits, are also commonly associated with a brain tumor. During one of these episodes, the person usually loses consciousness and collapses with a stiff body and jerking limbs. A persistent feeling of nausea or dizziness, plus frequent vomiting, is among the most prevalent side effects stemming from a brain tumor. Mental or behavior changes can be telltale signs of a brain tumor, things like memory loss, unusual personality patterns, or general irritability. Further signs include progressive muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the body are red flags. Many people affected by brain tumors also feel very tired, and this can be made worse by stress. Problems with vision can happen because of the optic disc becoming swollen, or because of pressure on the optic nerve. A tumor that develops on the balance (vestibular) and hearing, or auditory (cochlear), nerves can affect hearing and balance.>
Increasingly,some types of brain tumor are more common in children. Actually, brain tumors are the second most common form of childhood cancer after leukemia. Treatment for brain tumors in youngsters is typically quite different from treatment for adult brain tumors. If you suspect your child may have a brain tumor, it's vital to enlist the expertise and experience of pediatric specialists in neurology and cancer as soon as possible. Procedures used to diagnose brain cancer include laboratory tests, biopsy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) scan. Brain tumor treatment can include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, steroids, and more. For a low-grade brain tumor, surgery may be the only treatment needed, especially if all of the tumor can be removed. If a tumor cannot be removed, the aim of treatment is to slow growth and relieve symptoms by shrinking the tumor and any swelling around it. Treatment options in this instance include radiation therapy.
Doing things to avert dementia
Researchers discover that those who surf the internet in middle age can cut their risk of dementia in later life by more than half. For those who use smartphones rather than computers – and scientists think processing the vast amounts of information encountered online can benefit people’s brains, while social media use may help to combat loneliness. Doctors recommend regular exercise, a healthy diet and limited alcohol intake to protect against the illness. The results, in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, showed that, over the following decade, only 2.2 per cent of regular internet users developed dementia, compared with 5.3 per cent of non-users. And the preventative effect seemed slightly stronger with smartphones than laptops, possibly because they are used more often to access the web. However, reading too much screen space could affect your eyes!
How good is milk?
The study about long-term consumption of whole milk and milk fat does not significantly increase body weight or blood lipid burdens in mice conducted by researchers from a food and nutrition institute under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Tsinghua University, and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), was recently published in the journal iMeta.
Milk is a dietary staple for more than 6 billion people globally, making it one of the most widely consumed foods and as it will have adverse effect on humans will have grave consequences. Researchers conducted a seven-week experiment on mice, dividing them into two groups: one group was fed a normal diet, while the other was given a high-fat diet. The results showed that neither whole milk nor milk fat significantly affected body weight or blood lipid burdens in the mice, regardless of their diet type.
Furthermore, the research found that whole milk and milk fat improved gut microbiota diversity and increased the presence of key bacteria and metabolites linked to lipid regulation. "This research addresses long-standing concerns about whole milk and milk fat," said Wang Jiaqi, a researcher at CAAS. "It also offers valuable insights for the food industry and global nutrition policies, and maximises food resource efficiency."
Sitting for long period?
Sitting on our backside can raise the risk of a multitude of diseases - from diabetes to dementia. But scientists have found that, when it comes to protecting the brain from age-related decline, there are some sedentary activities that may be beneficial.
Experts are guessing that this may be due to a lack of stimulation causing connections between brain cells to die off. Dr Mellow from the University of South Australia advised older adults to intersperse the more passive activities with engaging ones, even if just for five minutes at a time. “If you're dead set on having a movie marathon, try to break up that time with some physical activity or a more cognitively engaged seated activity, like reading, at some point.” In 2019, British researchers published research that revealed watching television for over three and a half hours a day is linked to a decline in performance on word learning and recall tasks.
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