Sectors that are fundable by the Malaysia NETR 2 billion ringgit fund
1. Mini hydro and slow river powering
2. Small wind turbines to tap on the intermittent wind pattern of the country
3. Small agricultural producer which have been using fossil fuel all along
4. New house ventilating system and intelligent air conditioning (old system that has not change)
5. Removing methane from animal husbandry – convert methane to CO2 first
6. Removing methane from fossil fuel power stations – converts methane to CO2 first, and then chemically combines it
7. Converting sunlight into liquid fuel through artificial photosynthesis would be a huge environmental victory - photosynthesis is a tough chemical reaction to copy. It involves many processes, including capturing sunlight, splitting apart water molecules to yield protons, and joining these protons with carbon atoms from CO2 to ultimately produce fuel in the form of sugars. In nature, these jobs are performed by proteins that have had hundreds of millions of years to evolve – and they still only manage to turn energy from sunlight into fuel with an efficiency of 1 per cent at best. Now scientists start to realize that instead of recreating photosynthesis from scratch, we could combine the best bits of chemistry and biology in a bionic leaf. Such leaves typically employ materials that efficiently absorb sunlight as well as natural proteins that excel at stitching together fuel molecules. A team led by Erwin Reisner at the University of Cambridge recently used a material called a perovskite which is in abundance
8. Hydrogen production, storage and usage (on a small scale)
9. Smart windows and doors
10. Remodeling House Structure to incorporate efficient use of energy throughout the day
11. Intelligent Air Conditioning
12. Public transport system
13. Water as a fuel(H2) – high fuel performance, massive driving range per charge, faster refueling capability. Water based fuels performs ahead of lithium ion batteries of providing 15 more energy to the same weight.
14. Energy storage – including water reservoir energy storage
Bioenergy (where Malaysia should excel)
Bio-refinery in Pengarang to spur bio based product including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), hydro treated vegetable oil (HVO), advance sustainable fuel (ASF) and biochemical.
Under part 1 of NETR will require an investment of 25 billion through a combination of private and public funding.
Bursa Malaysia will launch a voluntary Carbon Market (BCX) where voluntary purchases of carbon credits. Malaysia will also be exploring Carbon Pricing Instrument (CPI).
Also to encourage rural energy generation through either solar, wind, mini hydro, slow river flow energy generation (should intensify the R & D on this) along the many rivers of the country.

Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ including Johor Baru, Iskandar Puteri, Pasir Gudang, Kulai and Pengerang) - will also include Forest City which has been granted Special Financial Zone
The idea of Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone - mooted by Rafizi Ramli (Malaysia Economy Minister)
“The fact of the matter is the flow of people, goods, and services between Singapore and Malaysia will continue to grow,” said Rafizi who is Malaysia’s Minister of Economy, adding that both countries should leverage each other’s strengths.
“Singapore has its advantages and better reaches in some areas. Johor has its resources (vast land) and its advantages and so we should find ways to connect the two for further developments” imbibed Rafizi.
“More importantly, I hope it will signify our belief that the only way forward is to embrace competition and connectivity in the most positive way,” Rafizi further said. But there are indeed real problems like the congested roadway between the two countries and the migration of workers to Singapore because there is a value gap in their respective currencies. However you look at it, there is indeed a lot of opportunities in the development of the special economic zone because you have all the ingredients of system build-ups of a future living people metropolis.
There lies the oppotunities of JS-SEZ and the sooner you figure out the logistics, the better!
A pilot RE zone will be initiated encompassing an industrial park, zero carbon city, smart residential development and low carbon footprint data center (under sea cooling).
Another important point for the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone is water - or more appropriately the shortage of water. especially critical is the supply of water to Forest City. Then if we are talking about the creating a special economic zone, we will need to find resources to supply the industrial estates with water. Unfortunately Johor did not create new dams for a few decades and as a result she has to bear water shortage in recent years. Hopefully, there will be new development in this area to adequately satisfy the hunger for water. There will be attempts to recycle water for the industrial sector whom presently draws on clean water from the water grid. Ideas will be welcome from Singapore in this respect as she has adequate experience in the field of water recycling.
The Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone will be the center of attention for the next ten years because you can be sure that there will be plenty of developments spurred by the presence of Singapore. The people of Johor has been waiting for the formation of the JS economic zones since the idea was bounced a couple of years ago. Now, it has become a reality and we should see a huge amount of developments, some will involve Malaysians and some will involve Singaporeans. Whichever formula that is adopted you can be assured that there will be political will on both sides of the straits to see that it is carried out - and it goes that if you are involved then it would become a bonus whichever way you look at it. We should also not forget that Forest City has been granted Special Financial Zone which will bring in the latest block chain iteration.
According to the Johor Government, sectors such as electrical, electronics, pharmaceuticals, aviation, specialty chemicals, manufacturing, smart logistics and supply chains, elderlies healthcare, education, halal industry, finance and business services, digital economy and tourism will be heavily promoted as they were to act as catalytic projects that is meaningful to the JS-SEZ - with special emphasis on green renewable energy.
Sectors where you can invest with confidence:
1. One stop business/investment service centre - will involve everything financial as well as the latest block chain iterations.
2. QR code passport free system
3. Tax custom duties incentives
4. Free Trade Zone
5. Special incentives for Semicon companies
6. Special insentives for stay visitors - reduced hotel rates for stay of more than two days.
7. Other activities that you can expect the Malaysian government to give grants amounting to US 420 million - energy efficiency, renewable energy, hydrogen, bioenergy, green mobility and carbon capture - you may consult us as to how to obtain the grant (starting November 2024)
Other ideas with Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone:
1. Autonomous Vehicle creation and testing
2. Food Creation and Security
3. Smart & Green Industrial Park – efficient use of energy especially data centers
4. Care Economy – both countries experiencing aging societies - new eco-system to be explored
5. Flying taxi – taxi drones just gliding above twin guideways constructed (with low cost) above the Johor Strait to fast transport business travellers.
6. Creative Industry like computer game design
7. Support Service Industries that will cater to all the above industries like AI and Automation

6. Cheap and fast to deploy Cable Cars connecting the two countries (this is a no-hassle idea)
In case you have a query about the thing you want to be funded, please give us a call or email us at terry@patentagentip.cpm - we can assist you by creating a patent for your idea which will make you more accessible to be funded. We are also the Malaysia Digital Status Consultant (formerly known as msc malaysia status) where you might want to secure tax incentives for your activities - there are certain conditions that you must achieve
The Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone will be signed by Johor and Singapore by the end of 2024 - but if you are interested in being a player, then you should begin your journey as soon as possible as there are plenty of entities that have signaled their interest. Just recently, investors from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, United States, EU countries have been scouting around since they have got wind of the formation of the economic zone. Also not to forget is another financial zone created on Forest City which is a part of Johor-Singapore special economic zone where they will be added incentives from the Malaysian Government.
Why would you want to put your money in Johor-Singapore SEZ?
The simple logic is - since the US is wearing towards recession in the second quarter of 2024, we would expect that the US will import very little and as a result of it, it will make little sense to put your money in those companies that rely heavily on exports to the US - there are a large number of these companies in ASEAN and China. Thus it would make sense if we were to withdraw our money from these companies that rely on exports to US. So the next thing we should do is to recoup our funds and find the right company to put our money into - companies that serve the local market. A smart guy will need to do research to find such companies but an easier way is to just invest in Johor-Singapore SEZ where most of the newly form companies serve the local markets. It is the same with Chinese companies that serve local but it would be better to treat the Chinese companies as smart partners where you help set up a company in JS-SEZ to bring in the technology to make products that supply the regional markets - a strategic means to wean away from the US market - same thing to treat the EU market as a no hope as european comapnies are in recession now. There you have it - the main reason to invest in JS SEZ, moreover you may get grants to help start your endevour (however you will need to fill certain conditions). The markets that are going to survive the great recession come this time are China, India, Middle East and ASEAN!
Let us talk about the Johor Bahru township wher the Johor-Singapore SEZ is going to be sited
But before we can start the Johor-Singapore SEZ journey, it would be best if we also make some adjustment to the town plan as at present, the authorities are really having a nightmare with the traffic congestions. Like all emerging townships, it would not be far fetch to find there is serious traffic congestion along the roadways, further made worst by the growth of the economic zone. In order to administer the township in the best manner, the authorities would need to make changes to the outlay of roads as it has been built on a haphazard way since forty years ago. Traffic along some parts of the township is almost unmanageable, further made worst by the constant need to accommodate the increasing number of dwellings. It would be a huge task to say the least about ever going to rebuilt the township so that it would made the best for living – traffic, transport, mobility, affordable accommodation, green environment, food security, energy security and last but not least availability of clean water. There are indeed a lot of issues but let us tackle the traffic congestions because almost everyone who needs to be mobile will be affected.
How do you tackle the ever increasing number of road vehicles? Let us look back on the past where there is no such thing as an electrical traffic light control. In the old days, traffic control used to be manned by a traffic police standing at the center of the road junction whose job is to give a hand signal to direct traffic. But they got away with a replacement of a traffic light junction which has all along, manage our safe traffic in the best way it could. As traffic increases due to increased dwellings and getting from one place to another becomes a herculean task, even with the assistance of e-hailing, the situation is getting from bad to worst and no authority has the right solution thus far. Even a megacity like Singapore got to put control on her citizens to own car just so that the roadways are manageable but perhaps there is a better solution? It is good that we are going to have the elvated ART but let us take a holistic view of the whole situation so that we could plan a better traffic system for our long suffering citizenry - the jam is there on the roadway so we have to tackle it first.
Then you have smart traffic lights – which in a small way does give relief to the traffic conditions. But you can’t put up too many traffic lights as it would really slow down traffic. How about public transport? Not many governments would want to promote public transport as a huge amount of funds are needed to run them, assuming that part of the public transport would need the government to bear it. Curtailing car ownership is also not a popular policy as most governments would not want to lose the vote of the public. The easy way out is then to build new roads with some elevated on each other, still you can’t solve the traffic situation even as road tolls become more visible.

We all know that it is a difficult task to control the traffic when you have a large number of people able to afford buying cars – driving your own vehicle just gives you the satisfaction, albeit having to endure frustration at the slow moving traffic. How about smart traffic lights? Well, it does not help when all the roads are filled with vehicles (including the green kind) can you? Road engineers have been slogging all the way to help rescue us from frustration but then they can only do some. But we still have some roundabouts don’t we? Ah….perhaps a roundabout re-designs to get away from the cursed traffic lights? Yes…. We are talking about the new partially elevated roundabout called 2D roundabout – this new design has part of the traffic lane elevated in the form of a crescent so that it will be easier to merge the traffic from one direction to another. It is designed to have more vehicles on the road and also to keep the traffic flowing. Although it is not a revolutionary idea but at least we can think of getting rid of the traffic lights which in most of the time is throttling our traffic. However, it can only be a stop gap measure as there is no other way - otherwise we will need to control the number of vehicles on the road which would sound drastic.
Analytics of the Ecosystem
How many people would want to move and from where?
How many would want to go and buy and from where?
How many would want to meet somebody and whereabouts?
These and many other questions filled our mind and which is made us what we are. We live and so we want to do this, that and many other things. There should be a plan enacted to let us manage our lives – things like where to go and where to be seen. Things like Analytics and Artificial Intelligence allows us to better manage our lives’ going on. Let’s say that you want to go and meet someone on the other side of town, so you would want to know about the traffic conditions of your route – which can be managed but it is not done in most of the places. Sure, you just have to deploy some sensors along the way to let you know where the congested spot is but in reality it is not possible although now even with most of the devices and connections are available. So first thing first – get to know the traffic. Of course it is more than traffic; you (or authorities) will want to know what is happening right, which will help you manage your lives going-on. Ah….a central point where your lives can be managed – not to feel your privacy infiltrated! But that should be the way because we will then be able to cut down our waste and do the things that we want to do in a greener way. Yes, the whole society if left to its own devices will certainly lead to waste – talking about reducing the temperature and things of that sort. We however think that there should be such a management system because we are using Artificial Intelligence to manage many of our other endeavors. So….yes we would like to propose a central intelligence (not affiliated with the CIA) unit to better manage our lives. Get it and it would mean a not so tiresome future. Should Johor Bahru Majlis take note of it?
Johor Bahru's Water Problem - Johor has been suppling water to Singapore all along!
One of the bigger problems with the residents of Johor Bahru is the shortage of drinking water. Not that there is no rain but because of shortage of reservoir. Indeed there is not enough of water reservoir due to the shortage of suitable places for the construction of dams. What is needed to construct has already been constructed – most of the rivers have insufficient of clean water. Pollution is also a problem as it mostly occurs at remote places where enforcement officers seldom able to touch. But there is also another alternative for water source – underground aquifers which will require another set of technology to tap. Still, not everything is lost because we can look at water from another angle and that is we could encourage householders to fit underground tanks to help store water during times of plenty. Such infrastructures should be mandated as it is a way to enlarge the volume of the reservoir. Architects should be roped in to enforce such structures as we don’t really know when the climate turn for the worse. Perhaps new housing be mandated to fit water reservoirs in their premises as older householders will drag their feet because of the money spent on retrofitting – but it would be for their own good to fit containers.
Education vis-à-vis Johor
Education is a sensitive topic in Johor, not that there is a lack of education but more of the wrong type of education. Just imagine what would happen to the society when graduates chose the easy way of being employed as food delivery personal – graduates can’t gain meaningful employment because they are fall into the wrong set of skills that the society needs. Fortunately the problem (very serious for JS-sez) can be addressed with a little tweak to the syllabus like for example prioritizing the enrolment of STEM and TVET courses in Johor – in this respect, STEM and TVET should also be tweaked to reflect on the importance of AI in our future journey. So flexibility in the educational system will need to be done in order that the local population has the skill sets that are of demand by the industries that is going to come up in JS-sez especially those that are AI and robotic related. In this respect, no time should be wasted as it would take a long time to change course to meet the target but JS-sez promoters should dare to make the plunge. With this tweak in education, they will be able to address the increasing number of workers going to Singapore to seek employment. With a better set of skills JS-sez in-house, Johor will be able to bear the storm in confidence.

Manufacturing and can the Johor-Singapore SEZ compete?
Why is India’s trade with China in the negative in spite of India treating China as an adversary? One of the main reasons is that as you need to buy the small nitty gritty parts of an article in order to finish making the whole product – in other words you need a good supply chain. Unfortunately for India and also for most other countries, the whole supply chain is not there and worst-still, the supply chain which was there at first (earlier years) was completely wiped out due to competition from China. Will India be able to catch up with China then? It would indeed be far fetch to think India can restore its supply chain, maybe ever! It’s the same with the rest of the world, including the US who has been advocating home shoring all these time. What about for Malaysia? What about ASEAN? The same problem arises unless something untoward happens to the Chinese supply chains.
If we were to take a closer look at Malaysia and in particular at Johor-Singapore SEZ, we will realized that you just cannot compete with China. It’s common knowledge that China has the upper hand now because she has almost the complete supply chain, except for certain raw materials that she needs to import – and it takes years and government support in order to do that. So does Johor-Singapore SEZ just have to give up? Certainly not for that matter as there is another way to look at it. But for certain you cannot make the same product like China which really narrows down on the thing that you can make – like high end products that have a large local content. And there is AI to help – so infuse your product with AI assistance. Still, it would be a difficult job at that, perhaps another way is to enlarge your area to include ASEAN, India, Korea and Japan and which will make you able to rationalize what each country will make – spreading it out to dole out the job according to the countries’ cost-benefit analysis. Maybe worth a try then otherwise we will forever have to do catch up.
Safety First Policy
Yes, how about safety in Johor-Singapore SEZ? It is certainly not up to mark with the many cases of people being waylaid (with footballers and police stations being attacked) in broad daylight! So the police will need to bring down the crime index just so that visitors feel safe - is there also an increase in religious intolerance as well?
Prime pumping the Malaysian Economy
Known as GEAR-uP, the ambitious plan led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is also the Finance Minister, targets critical areas such as green technology, infrastructure, and the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Malaysia is set to undergo a transformative economic renewal, promising substantial impact across various sectors. At the sectoral level, he said the emphasis on green and technology sectors positions Malaysia to assume leadership in these industries within ASEAN.
RM120b will be injected into domestic economy via GLIC's like Khazanah Nasional Bhd, the Employees Provident Fund, Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan), Permodalan Nasional Bhd, Lembaga Tabung Haji, and Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera which is what all citizens have been dreaming off.